The speakers smart Echo of Amazon coming to Spain and, though the Google Home is ahead in the premiere, the giant of Jeff Bezos extends in this way his bet for new markets. The smart speakers may seem like a fad in the world of technology, but they are not far from: it is the technological product with the most growth since the arrival of the mobile and these dizzying rates, it seems that they are to maintain. Now, what is a speaker smart and what is it?

these Are basically speakers which are equipped with microphones and connected to attending remote based on artificial intelligence; it is as if the wizard of Google or Apple’s Siri went up to the hall or any part of the house and, this is important, to be in permanent listening. Does this mean that the speakers recorded and hear everything we say even though we’re not interacting with them? The answer is no, although nuanced: these devices need to be in permanent listening but rule out all the sound that comes unless it is the command that activates them; once you reach this command, then yes, send the audio to the servers for processing.

MORE INFORMATION AND WHAT if the devices in the house to listen to voices that do not exist? Amazon launches a new Echo to compete with the HomePod Apple A house, ‘hands-free’

Amazon was the first company to introduce this product into the market and usher in a category that had not existed until then. The giant has landed in our country with a wide range of models that meet the needs of users with a Echo basic part of the 59 euros, a price start with the one that is accessed throughout the system. With Google the same thing happens and it is your Home Mini part precisely of the same price, but only has a top model in front of Amazon, which has a wide range of devices, including an Echo with a color screen that plays video.

With a set of speakers, the next question that arises is: where do I install? What is certain is that this type of devices only need a plug nearby and just plug them through the application on the mobile phone to be operational. So, the logical thing is to install them in those places in the home most frequented, although surprisingly, in the kitchen and the bathroom can prove to be extremely useful. Having the house covered by a network of speakers smart get the effect of ‘hands-free’ for a multitude of functions.

they Are useful, and used Betxlarge one to them right away

One day you need to begin to use in everyday life the speakers and, what is more striking, to completely replace the way in which we relate to certain devices. But… for what are really helpful to the speakers? What is certain is that this type of devices shine with a light of its own when it serves gateway for the activation of other: thus, for example, if you equip the home with light bulbs smart (which today have greatly reduced its price), the turn on and turn off of the lights will immediately get a live voice. “Alexa, turn off the light the room”, or, “low light”, if what you want is to mitigate it. In the same way, and with a thermostat connected, we will be able to turn on or turn off the heating from anywhere in the house and without moving a finger.

The speakers are smart are much more useful to the extent that it invests in other services and devices that may be connected. In this way, another of the features most used and valued by users is the of play music: commands such as “put relaxing music” or “despiértame morning at 7 with the music of Coldplay” become a regular right away, although for this purpose it is necessary to be subscribed to a music streaming service like Spotify or Amazon Music Unlimited. The speakers also recognize the different accents in Spain, “Alexa is able to understand the large number of accents that there are in Spain. For example, a client of the south of Spain is going to pronounce things very differently than a client of the northwest,” explained from Amazon Spain.

Another very interesting function is to create the routine calls, which are a series of commands that are scheduled from the application of connected tasks that we carry out on a daily basis. So, for example, after a “Alexa, good morning”, the system will switch on the lights, will give us the weather forecast of the day, we will make a summary of your appointments and we will indicate the traffic situation that we find way to work; all of this without putting a foot out of the bed. Reminders, creating appointments, data query,… the most common uses of the systems based on artificial intelligence are also more at hand. On the other hand, these systems based on artificial intelligence learning with the use of our habits and are becoming more efficient.

In short, and without one give really aware of it, the speakers are intelligent, they become a element of everyday of our lives and without a doubt we would miss them once we’ve tested. On the other hand, the manufacturers have provided the hardware and there is no doubt that in the future they will incorporate features that will enrich even more its use with what is understood perfectly by the brutal increase in sales of this type of devices.