Racist MESSAGES and insults started to gust from the Twitter profile of Mariah Carey . The fault of a hacker, as has certified the same social. “It has been confirmed that the account was hacked. As soon as we reported the issue, we have closed the account and we have started an investigation,” the words of a spokesman.

It would be the collective Chuckling Squad, already responsible for an attack against the founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey , at the end of August was seen posting on his profile racist insults via sms.

Mariah Carey has over 20 million followers and, despite the removal of the original messages, the screenshot of the tweet accused continue to circulate. Stands out, in particular, a tweet that refers to Eminem : “he Has a small penis,” wrote the hacker. “I appisolo a moment and this happens?”, they asked the singer ironically.

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