Microsoft Office has long been a Synonym for office software. Word, Excel, and Powerpoint have dominated the business world and also included on many of the private PC to the basic equipment. But this is changing. Statistics from the January shows, that the long-time market leader has been dethroned, according to the G-Suite is reached, such as the collection of Google’s productivity tools also means, in the United States, with a market share of 58.3 percent. For Microsoft and Office 365 41.6 percent.

In other regions of the world and areas of application is likely to be Microsoft’s Position still stronger. But here too, Google is on the rise. Google has completed by the end of 2018, a framework contract with the Foundation for the Switch, with the “G Suite for Education” can be provided to the students, lecturers, employees and Alumni of the Swiss universities: “Google Office is suitable for Swiss universities,” according to the press release.

limitations and flaws

However, Google Docs compared to Microsoft a limited extent and also a number of shortcomings – some of which are disturbing and, in some cases, even very bizarre. So, for example, only users in businesses and schools can create their own templates. Private users have to be without this function. Also the storage of the documents has its pitfalls, and the formatting options are limited for some purposes. And finally, with large or complex documents problems and crashes can occur – what is even more disturbing, when it comes for example to write a thesis.

all the same, You can bypass the restrictions and to solve the problems. The tried-and-tested Tricks for showing our Video. For more information about the Add-ons you can find in the post More stylish and varied in Google Docs. And 14 small, useful functions of the author in the collection of 14 tips for Google Docs.

tips to Microsoft Office, we have, of course, also in stock: In this Update Worth it? will be presented to the Office in 2019. This Office Trick you should know! the extension explained. Write without the Word clean function Troubleshooting guide in Microsoft’s text processing. How to escape the film hell helps you to make beautiful presentations. And Yawning Excel-Boredom? Yourself to blame! explains how to present his Excel-data beautiful. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.04.2019, 17:14 PM