does Not stop the protest of Assotrasporti to the situation of danger arising from the state of criticality of the road network, the Italian. After the umpteenth disaster that occurred on the motorways in the ligurian (the recent collapse of part of the ceiling of the gallery Bertè on the A26), the association of transporters reiterates the request for exemption of toll for all of liguria and for all the highways throughout the Country.

Rejected to the sender, therefore, the reduction of the toll of 50% for the section concerned, and the completion of the check on the galleries of jurisdiction within two months arranged by Aspi, measures deemed insufficient by Assotrasporti.

“certainly a first step has been done, but you must be prepared to work out the large to meet the needs of all users of streets, roads, highways and railways of the area in which you experience constant slowdowns – has declared, According to Sandiano, president of Assotrasporti – in Addition, it is necessary that there is a greater commitment on the part of the public administration: the time for the controls over the infrastructure are too long and, apparently, not coordinated.
The Government must declare a state of emergency, making the national Agency for the safety of the railways and of road and motorway infrastructures (specially created after the collapse of the Bridge Morandi) immediately in operation, and to involve all the possible structures: Anas, Municipalities, Provinces, Regions, concessionaires, etc., using the specific departments of the Army, as the Weapon of the Genius”.

According to the association, to make the operation feasible in a short time and with low costs, it must be precettato-seconded staff necessary to meet the emergency for one or more days a week.

in Addition, stress from Assotrasporti “You should appeal to the sense of civic responsibility of the people involved, asking you to put a few hours of their free time in service of the community, as well as making the volunteers to cope with emergencies.
After the collapse of the Bridge Morandi the volunteer has moved, but now the people were dead. Our request is to put the same efforts to prevent these situations. The reverse of the medal will be a slowing down of the ordinary measures of public Authorities, but the slowness of the government is what note, what does it matter to wait a few more days if this delay can save lives?”.

in Short, a cry of alarm remained up to now unheard of, and that Sandiano, in the dual capacity of vice-president vicar of the Eumove (european organization for mobility), is re-quoting the poetry of Giuseppe Ungaretti “You are like autumn on the trees the leaves” to describe the state of mind of the traveler.

“So, today our lives, or those of the haulers and all users of roads and railways, are hanging by a thread: just the breath of the wind to make them fall.
we are Not at war, and the risk is not linked to the explosion of a bomb: today people risk life to carry out the job or while you move on roads, highways and railways.
After decades of interventions and campaigns to reduce the risk of deaths related to speed, alcohol and carelessness of motorists, we arrived at the point where the italians risked their lives for the negligence of public administrators and politicians.

Make the roads safe should be a priority for the Country. The attention of all, starting with the Government, must focus on this emergency a priority. The next step is to take action and protect ourselves in order not to remain exposed to a risk so serious and scary. We want to talk about it together? Join Assotrasporti and Eumove in this war to defend the lives of those who move on the streets, highways, and railways”.

Assotrasporti invites everyone to contribute to find the solution to this emergency, sending suggestions and complaints through the page Facebook of the association and the account of the Twitter. (m.r.)

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