Wi-Fi is great. Actually. If it would just be so complicated and easy to operate. All felt two years, I’m losing my nerves with my Router and buy a new one. Asus, D-Link, Cisco, Netgear, etc.

The first couple of months with the new Router are both gorgeous. Finally, quick and reliable Wi-Fi. But then the doubts come. If the wireless Router is to blame? Times a Firmware Update, and if that doesn’t help, according to a new model out.

The Router-Surprise

This spiral to the Wi-Fi and horror and took a the end, as we in the new apartment, moved, and in the absence of glass fiber, a new Internet subscription, needed. Together with the Sunrise-Abo, there was one of those Fritz boxes, which I only knew the somewhat ridiculous name. But what a Surprise, the Box was so good I actually mean good Netgear Router not unpacked.

The joy of Fritzbox lasted but a maximum of one year. Then we got to the glass fiber connection, and the great box was recovered from Sunrise and against a no-name white the Annoyance of a Wi-Fi Router replaced.

The old Netgear Router was dusted off and rendered good services. But in the household of a Digital Editor with a myriad of devices, all at the same time into the network, he found that they were significantly to its limits. Especially as the massive walls in our cramped old apartment were of no help.

I flirted with a new Wi-Fi Router. Friends recommended all of the Google Wifi – even those are Google services, otherwise, very critically. I began to make me smart and to compare offers.

Perfect Timing

Just at the Moment the Plume came. Plume? However, the Subscription fee for Wi-Fi! In the US media, I had already read it. In addition to the comparatively low purchase price, a monthly fee of $ 5 is due. For this, promises to be a Plume, would be removed in a Cloud everything is tedious to Optimize for individual devices.

In Switzerland there is a Plume for individuals to not buy so simple, respectively, to subscribe to, such as in the United States. You can get it only in the case of each of the network providers in Solothurn, Zurich and train to different conditions as a complement to an Internet subscription,. More vendors should follow, promises to be the importer. Also nationwide Packages are in the planning stage.

However, the subscription model is not the only difference to other Wi-Fi routers: Instead of one or two to three Wi-Fi boxes (as in the case of so-called Mesh routers, such as the Google Wifi is common), you’re buying a box with up to six or even more small Pods that you put in the whole apartment in the outlet. Only one of them you have to connect via LAN cable to the Modem.

Who wants that?

The concept with many small Pods sound exciting, but the subscription model made me wonder. Who wants to so what, I asked myself. Who would like to quick web without compromises, in General, with technology and can optimize itself. A subscription and a Cloud service, the data protection is in the worst case, even risk, you don’t need Speed Fans, and network professionals yet.

So something for the average household? But as a normal Router usually enough, and Need a few Tricks to help. In my mind game Villa owners remained in the end only the rich and the lazy left. Pretty much the opposite of me. But the curiosity was piqued, and I had me a box with Plume-Pods delivered to your home.

unpacked Hardly, it’s already

The Installation went thanks to the highly intuitive App is easy. You only had to connect a Pod to the Internet, and the other in the apartment to distribute. To my luck, our house is ancient, but the apartment has been recently renovated. We have outlets more than enough. Now who has too little, will have on the Plume is hardly a joy, because each Pod occupies at least one outlet, and depending on a second block.

Yes, and then it just runs. Wi-Fi in every room and super fast. Only once I saw in the three months, the pace of waste. Whether it was Sunrise or Plume, it was not possible to determine. But after a reboot the Problem never appeared again.

Plume sent me nevertheless the just in Switzerland, arrived Superpod. A – as the Name suggests – a little more powerful Pod. The left to without any technical knowledge, or even in the Browser “” or a similar cryptic address to call, with the other Plume-Pods combine.

Compatible with the vacuum cleaner

If you, for example, to vacuuming, but then just the socket needs is in the a Plume-Pod, you can unplug the easy. The Wi-Fi is not collapsing, and you do not need to pair the Pod later. You need only to insert again once. Everything else is automatically and without any Action on the part done.

The biggest compliment that you can make a Plume, is that everything works so well that you forget the Wi-Fi completely. It is as natural as water from the tap or electricity from the wall outlet. And if not loads a web page that is not secure, the Wi-Fi fault. However, you must keep in mind: Most shows with the years, how good of a Wi-Fi Router is really. For So long I couldn’t wait for this Test, of course.

App thank

The extremely positive impression also has a lot to do with the intuitive App, to, a, if desired, (on the go) all the necessary information and be assured that everything is in order.

The App makes independent speed tests. So you can see for up to 30 days to return, whether there has been really no Tempo loss. Our budget included, for example, when the Internet pace to the fastest 1% of the Plume-customers. Who listens to the don’t like?

Particularly commendable are the simple control functions. Also as a network layman quickly, which devices to load that much data down – and up. As you discovered, for example, that the Göttibub has already loaded several gigabytes of space on his phone. You want to stop that, it’s just a push of a button, and his phone is locked until midnight of the Wi-Fi.

schedules and ad blocker

You can create depending on the device, conveniently in the App schedules. Since our kids are still much too small for its own devices, it was in the Test. But the use of a tablet or a console, so a bit limiting, will appeal to some parents.

In the latest Version of the Plume App is an interesting Beta is function: an ad blocker. Once activated, it prevents the that on via the Wi-Fi-accessed web pages are advertising is displayed.

conclusion: Plume worked in the Test is easy and reliable. Since you can’t buy it as a Consumer in Switzerland directly, there is no need to question whether I would buy it myself. If it would have to offer my Internet provider Sunrise but in a slightly more expensive Premium subscription, I would be tempted, after my good experience very to take it. If it does not cost as in the USA, more than five francs per month, it would be me all because of value.

Outlook: The most Exciting part of Plume, neither the payment model nor the fact how easy everything works, but what it means for the future. Wi-Fi devices are getting smaller and smaller. You can now insert a slightly larger children’s night light in the outlet, is likely to be only the beginning. Well possible, that the technology is small enough that you can combine for example with light bulbs.

And yet another potential reveal of the Pods in each room. A Problem of each of the smart homes is that Siri and co. know what room it is. So you have to call even in the room: “Turn off the light in the room.” Plume by way of contrast, for example, in which room my Smartwatch dials to the Wi-Fi. From my Position in the apartment could be quite a precise estimate. Still can’t can’t with other services. However, you may be curious, what is there in the next few years. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.01.2019, 09:21 PM