On Thursday evening to 20 am, a technical fault, the disabled, the social network. On Twitter it was with a blue Background: “Something is gone for technical reasons, wrong. Thanks for the note; we’ll take care of the issue immediately, and hope that everything goes back to normal soon.”

Nothing was more the social network. (Image: Screenshot Twitter)

The Twitter Users could. during the disturbance, which lasted more than an hour, neither log in nor receive messages or send The Problem was, apparently, only the Desktop – and Mobile-Version of Twitter, the App does not work for many users – however, all of them. An examination of the problem of course, said Twitter in the evening: “How many interfaces are affected, is still unclear.”

Technical malfunctions piling up

A Live world map of the website “allestörungen.de” showed that especially users in Central and Western Europe, reported in the United States, Brazil and Japan disturbances.

it was Only in the last week, there had been intermittent technical problems on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. Also in March of this year it came to the multi-hour disruptions to the worldwide used platforms. At the time, Facebook, the chat Messenger service, and the network, Instagram, were affected.


Created: 11.07.2019, 22:30 PM