Joseph and Travis Dasilva was just about to get away with pulling your pants down and show rumpen in front of the historic buddhist temple Wat Arun in Thailand, but because of the unusual gimmick aboslut should live forever on camera and subsequently shared on Instagram, dropped the hammer.

the Picture was namely the thai authorities to be aware of the two 38-year-old u.s. men’s unlawful deed and therefore they were both detained at the airport on Tuesday, as they had to put themselves into the plane and travel home from Bangkok.

The typing of several international media including the BBC.

Joseph and Travis was discovered, because their numsebillede in front of the temple went viral, as they shared it on their shared Instagram profile, ‘Traveling the Butts’, where the couple had shared several similar images with the butt bar in front of the other popular tourist attractions with their more than 14,000 1xbet followers.

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Instagram profile has since been deleted, but both Joseph and Travis has admitted the incident over to the thai authorities, who certainly do not look easy in the men’s behaviour, which they consider to be extremely disrespectful.

The two tourists are still detained in the country, where they are charged with ‘inappropriate behavior’ and has received a fine of $ 150 (about 950 dollars), but when the pair reached to perform the same act in front of a historical temple in the country, there is even a penalty in the wait.

Their butt stunt may, however, in the worst case mean that they have to behind bars, as the thai authorities are currently assessing whether americans should be charged with something more serious accusation of crime on the internet:

– We are currently seeking acceptance from the court to accuse them of ‘Computer Crime’, because they have shared pornographic images, says police chief, Jarupat Thongkomol, to the BBC.

When the police have drawn up charges, the authorities will most likely cancel the men’s visas and the push for a expulsion of them.

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