Two years after the Acquisition of the Karaoke platform by the Chinese, the Deal in the face of U.S. authorities. The government in Washington has begun a security audit, now under the name TikTok displaced people, Video App.

A government panel to examine whether the because of their karaoke videos popular App to forward data to the Chinese authorities. This is the “New York Times” and the news Agency Reuters reported on Friday citing not. The responsible U.S. Department of the Treasury did not comment on the reports.

Previously, had warned US parliamentarians, including Republican Senator Marco Rubio, and the head of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer,, TikTok could be used by Beijing for espionage purposes. “With more than 110 million Downloads in the U.S. alone, TikTok is a potential counterintelligence risk, we can’t ignore,” wrote Schumer last week, Republican Senator Tom Cotton in a letter to U.S. secret service chief Joseph Maguire.

they also fear risks to national security, because, in their view, the new Chinese owner of a politically sensitive contents might censor. In addition, you raise the question of how he stores personal data. TikTok is especially among US young people are very popular.

data centers are not in China

The Chinese firm byte dance had TikTok 2017 for a billion dollars bought. At the time the application was still called On request, did not want to comment TikTok specifically to the examination procedure in the United States, assured, however, that the company had “no higher priority” “than to win the trust of users and regulators in the United States”. Last week, TikTok had been assured that it “will not be affected by any foreign government like the Chinese government” and its data centers are in the people’s Republic.

The Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, the US has been classified by the government as a security risk for the United States. She accuses the company of Sabotage and espionage for the Chinese government. Huawei rejects the accusations and assured that it is operating independently from the Chinese state. Until the 19th century. November is a deadline for U.S. companies to cooperate with Huawei. (anf/sda)

Created: 02.11.2019, 08:29 PM