This Tuesday, the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, opened the parliamentary session by talking rugby. “I would like, on behalf of all of you, to warmly congratulate our XV Parliamentarian and greet our captain Pierre Cazeneuve and his president Jean-François Portarrieu. Our players carried the colors of our assemblies high during this Parliamentary Rugby World Cup by reaching the third step of the podium.” A nice result greeted by a round of applause, standing, from the deputies.
With a touch of irony in his voice, Yaël Braun-Pivet took the opportunity to send a message. “It is also the great values of rugby, the team spirit, the sense of collective and the respect for the opponent that they have made shine. So many values which, I have no doubt, will inspire everyone in this new parliamentary year.”
She finally mentioned the captain of the Blues, injured in the jaw then operated on, whose return is hoped for soon. “Before closing this parenthesis, allow me to wish everyone a good recovery to the captain of our French team Antoine Dupont whom we hope to find very quickly on the pitch and until the end of the competition.”