you are quite mad?
I’m alternately angry and melancholy. Over all, the idea floats that something fishy is in the so-called free Western world, we are so proud of.

we Constantly talk of freedom, individuality, and morality, but in reality we are not so free and individual. And morally, most of the time only if we need to bring not a victim. The digitization has the conformity forced reinforced constantly that we are encouraged to consume, style, opinions to feelings. The pressure is huge. The result was a growing irritation on the roads and sheer hatred in the social networks. The society is divided into countless sub-groups that make war on each other.

your book is called “The great disenchantment” – what is there to debunk?
today, We can order everything with a click of the mouse, there is no longer desires that cannot immediately meet. You criticize the, say it quickly: If it does not fit you, go to North Korea. I do not wish to demonize the opportunities offered by the Western life, on the contrary, but it seems to me that we have reached a point at which technological progress turns against us.

For example?
me The most, that seemingly negative aspects of life denied or smoothed. From the fear-Congress for medical doctors, the fear will free Congress from the minute of silence at the football stadium, the cheers minute. It seems that the Dark, Sad is no longer allowed to take place. Today, everything is made nicely packaged and likeable, no one should be pushed before the head, the reality is covered with a light blue cashmere blanket.

We are sort of rivals infanti?
Yes, we are treated like children, for you do not keep the light out at night, which one trusts, to life in all its inconsistency masters. At the end we behave like children, feel constantly attacked and offended. The result: outrage and the splitting of the community. A sovereign society would not allow itself to be shot in such infantile reactions fascinating.

The Scary thing about social media is not only the screaming, but also the lack of Humor. Was a company ever been so humourless?
in fact, most of the Comedians today are trying to stand on the morally correct side. The thousandth Gag can be a so-grateful opponents such as Donald Trump, with the only confirmation, but never surprising, and therefore not even funny. Harald Schmidt, the Hero of my Generation, shooting in all directions and had no side taken, not from the seemingly good. He was rude, but brilliant, nonetheless its value was not scaffolding always felt, just because he addressed it. Today, its Late-Night would be deducted to the Show, probably after a few weeks.

It was never so often of tolerance as it is today, at the same time other opinions are to endure again. Why?
We think we are tolerant, and often only minimal deviation of the own model of Life. I know people who are passionate about the need for TRANS people, cursing in the same breath, but about a Catholic priest, because all child are anyway molester. There are groups that are en vogue, while others are a flat rate of released for launch.

to judge This Belief to be on the right side and to the right take out on others – that is more of an urban phenomenon?
I think it is. In the countryside, people often have more far-reaching Concerns for which these identity debates are luxury problems. I grew up in the Bavarian forest, one of the forgotten areas of Germany, on the edge of the Iron curtain. As a teenager, I dreamed of me to Berlin or London, but today I feel this time Away as a great gift. I was naive and had no idea, but I was free.

The biggest difference between city and country?
In the city are mainly attributed to the identity debates. It’s about ways of life, taste, Aesthetics, style, about what you would like to represent. In the country it is, rather, concrete problems, the rain does not come, the taxes, the pension, the construction site at the entrance.

Many city-dwellers hold not only tolerant, but also individually. In their eyes a mistake. Why?
individualism is a great idea, for the struggle and die. At the moment, but we experience their Perversion. The people are no longer satisfied to live their lives according to their own discretion, run, no, you also want to be unique, and should register nicely as many other people. This narcissism is fueled by social media. Each makes to the brand, if necessary, by using the own neuroses, or diseases. The main thing, it is different.

Why is there so little real individuality?
freedom is exhausting. It requires self-awareness, courage, willingness to take risks. I fear that many people have the Talent to be free. You yearn for security and behave as most others, to get a bit of recognition. Apparently, the Hyper-individualization leads to conformity. Therefore, you can see on Instagram the same photos of colorful Drinks, lovingly staged old house Poznan apartments and Yoga. You do, whatever you hoped for the most Likes.

of The modern man, however, is not the only victim, he knows the mechanisms of the market and of the big Tech companies. Nevertheless, all are with Facebook.
The desire to be perceived, is more powerful than any moral concerns. We suspect that Google and Facebook are working against us, our data skimming to make us addicted to it, in order to increase their Profit, but the desire to be, is greater than the need to act morally and consistently.

Tobias Haberl: “The great disenchantment – The deceptive happiness of the contemporary man”, Blessing-Verlag 2019, 288 PP., approx. 29 Fr.

Created: 26.11.2019, 16:31 PM