A court in Bangladesh has imposed 16 death sentences in the murder case of a student of Nusrat Jahan Rafi. The 18-Year-old from the village of Feni had been burned in April of this year, several of the attackers alive, after she had lodged a complaint against the Director of your religious school for sexual Assault.

“you wanted to only residents of justice”

The horrific case sparked violent protests by activists in the South Asian coastal state, sexual violence is still largely taboo in the densely populated country, with its 168Millionen. Perpetrators usually remain unpunished, while the victims have to be stigmatized and fear, to be your life-long humiliation. The murder Rafis advanced these depths for the first time into the broader light of the Public.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who ruled Bangladesh, adamantly pushed for a speedy trial against the perpetrators. 14 of the Convicted men, one of them is the headmaster, against whom the allegations Rafis taught in the spring. In addition, the court found two peers guilty of the crime may have been involved. “No one in this country with murder,” said Prosecutor Hafeez Ahmed on the day of judgment. Was heard of the case before a special court for violence against women and children, 62 hearing days were scheduled to ensure.

compared to the long delays in the judicial system of Bangladesh is common, worked for the court in this case very quickly. Too quickly, as the lawyer of the school head criticized. According to his statements had not been enough time to review the case sufficiently. The prosecution relied on twelve of the confessions of the perpetrators – the Director of the school had shown up to the last of any blame. The defense announced it would appeal.


According to the findings of the court lured the perpetrators had lured the 18-year-old Rafi on the perfidious way in a trap. School Director Siraj You Doula was planning her murder, apparently from custody after having refused to the student, a complaint against your teacher to withdraw it. The family had received anonymous death threats, according to the newspaper “Daily Star” reported. But Rafi remained firm.

At the 6. April, eleven days after the alleged sexual Assault, drew the offender, the young woman with a Trick on the roof of their religious school, and called again, you should let your accusations fall. As Rafi refused this Time, too, grabbed at least four attackers, all clad in burqas. The young woman was eventually doused with gasoline and set on fire. The offender fled. Rafi could still stumble burning down the stairs, where the other students managed to extinguish the flames. She was taken to the intensive care unit, and on the way her brother recorded a statement from her on his mobile phone, in which they, apparently, also information on the perpetrators. The last Time you complained to your teacher for sexual Assault. “I’m going to fight against this crime until my last breath.” Four days later she died in intensive care.

“What did you do wrong?”, complained to her mother after the death of the daughter. “They just wanted justice and tried to prevent, that the Director can commit such a crime again.”

Created: 24.10.2019, 21:08 PM