The Amnesty International accuses the Egyptian authorities, government critics arbitrarily for months or years without evidence and indictment record.

The Prosecutor’s office for state security’s need for “routine” the Anti-terrorist laws to persecute opponents, it was stated in an Amnesty report that should be submitted on Wednesday. This special Department of the Prosecutor’s office to take part “enforced disappearance, arbitrary deprivation of liberty, torture and ill-treatment”.

According to Amnesty, the prosecution office for national security uses “specious reasons” to hold people over a longer period of time, among other things, due to government’s critical contributions in Online networks. The authority to use an “extended Definition” of the term terrorism, criticized Amnesty representative Ruth Jüttner. “In the name of combating terrorism, the peaceful critics of the government are arbitrarily arrested, intimidated and as enemies of the state addressed.”

getting worse under President al-Sisi

According to Amnesty, tripled the number of by the Prosecutor for national security cases prosecuted eighth since the inauguration of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in 2013. At that time there were approximately 530 cases, by 2018, the number had increased to 1739.

The Amnesty-documented report of 138 cases between 2013 and 2019, in which the special Department of the prosecution authority ordered the detention. In more than every second case, this was due to the political or human rights activities of the Inmates or of their political background. The prisoners, according to Amnesty International, an average of 345 days in detention before they were released without trial free. In one case, the detention lasted even 1263 days.

confessions extracted Under torture

allegations of torture were not investigated. In contrast, under torture discarded confessions as evidence would be admissible in court. In some cases, the defendants were sentenced then to death and been executed.

“The international community of the blatant human must not ignore rights violations in Egypt, for economic reasons, or security interests,” demanded Amnesty representative Jüttner. “You must call on Egypt, all the peaceful government to allow critics free and to end the practice of suppression by the Prosecutor of state security.” (chk/sda)

Created: 27.11.2019, 02:08 PM