The arrest of Meng Wanzhou at the request of the USA is by far the most striking, that this country has promoted, in relation to its sanctions on Iran. But the vice president and predictable heiress of the multinational technology, china Huawei, which now faces an extradition request, it is not the first to be affected by these measures. Although most of the detainees have been citizens of the iranian (or of iranian origin and with a second nationality) residing or visiting in the U.S., at least half a dozen people from a third country have gone to Meng.

In February 2014, the british police detained the chinese citizen Sihai Cheng by an order of search and arrest us. Cheng, who was then 33 years old, was extradited to the united STATES in early December of the same year. He was accused of having sold to a partner iranian thousands of pieces of nuclear use. Pleaded guilty to various offences of smuggling of goods and illegal export, and two months after he was sentenced to nine years in prison. His appeal was dismissed the following year.

The Project’s web Wisconsin on the Control of Arms also includes the case of a british businessman, Christopher Tappin, who was extradited to the united STATES from his home country in 2012, after he attempted to sell batteries for missiles, a few undercover agents. Tappin, who was 66 years old and was retired, also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 33 months in prison, part of whom ended up serving in the United Kingdom.

In 2011, Singapore arrested and deported four of its citizens, Wong Yuh Lan, Lim Yong Nam, Lim Kow Seng, and Hia Soo Gan Benson, at the request of EE. UU. A judge was accused to have exported illegally to Iran thousands of units of rf, some of which ended up being used in bombs, improvised (IEDs) in Betkanyon Iraq, and antennas military. All were tried and sentenced to different punishments.

These cases coincide with the period of tougher international sanctions against Tehran in the wake of the discovery of its nuclear program secret in 2002, when internacionalizaron. Washington promoted in the UN and half a dozen resolutions convictions, four of them against. Progressively banned the trade of nuclear materials, the sale of weapons and, finally, established restrictions on companies suspected of being a cover, many of them linked with the Pasdarán, a body of military elite.

But the real qualitative change occurred in a more quiet since 2010 when the Department of the Treasury us not only banned financial transactions with companies iranian relationships and the inter-banking between the two countries, but that pushed the major european banks and asian to choose between maintaining their operations in Iran or in the united States. The majority closed their offices in Tehran and even the accounts of their customers iranians or residents of Iran in other branches. The following year, the Treasury prohibited the oil companies with interests in EE. UU. work with the Central Bank of Iran, which forced them to cut their imports of crude oil, and abandoning projects in that country.

At the beginning of 2016, as a result of the nuclear agreement signed half a year before, the sanctions were lifted by the UN and the European Union had imposed under the pressure of EE. UU. However, it is maintained that this country remained on a bilateral basis shortly after the revolution of 1979, due to the takeover of its embassy in Tehran. The fear of getting caught in the legal morass u.s. and the announcement of the Administration to Trump that he was going to get out of the agreement, slowed down the expected benefit even before Washington reimpusiera and the strengthening of its economic embargo and trade this year.