Five months after the outbreak of Anti-government protests in Hong Kong takes the violence to no end. On The Contrary. On Monday morning it has reached a new stage: A police officer shot multiple times with live ammunition on demonstrators.

As the Live broadcast of the scene on Facebook, shows the officers his gun and tries a masked man to arrest. Another masked is approaching, the policeman shoots him in the chest. Seconds later, the COP fired two more shots.

The last shots have not met anyone, like the police informing. They confirmed the firing. The wounded protester was out of danger, is, according to the hospital authority in a critical condition. He is the third protester who was injured by gunfire during the protests.

man criticized protesters – and is fired

The scene played out on a blocked road in Hong Kong. With their industrial action on Monday, the protesters wanted to start by reminding you of the death of a student. The 22-Year-old died on Friday from the effects of his serious injuries, after he was overthrown last week on the sidelines of protests by a car Park. By the gunshots of the police, the location rocked, then more high.

In the whole town protests in the violence erupted, radicals, protesters, streets blocked, set fire to and threw paving stones. The police used rubber bullets and tear gas. The police also confirmed that officers had also pulled in two other places in the city on Monday, their service weapons. Responsible for the illegal acts had been of the “rioters”.

Joshua Wong, one of the most famous faces of the democracy movement, called for an end to police violence. “Don’t we have escalated the violence, but the only page that is escalating, the police,” said Wong of the British BBC. “From Hong Kong is made in a police state.”

Brutal scene: a man is splashed with a flammable liquid and then set on fire. Source: Twitter via @Daniel dumbrill

also a brutal Video that shows how a man is fired showed up. As CNN reported, confronted the man, several protesters and insulted that they were “all Chinese”. The man approaches the group, then a Person injects him with a liquid and setting him on fire. As the brutal shots to show of the man burning.

source: Twitter via @Daniel dumbrill

What happens with him afterwards is unclear. The scenes have played out also on Monday, as well as the “South China Morning Post” reported. The Hong Kong police are investigating, therefore, the case. The victim was in critical condition in the hospital.

Already at the weekend it had come to Hong Kong again to riots. Since the 9. June the people of Hong Kong are demonstrating against their own government. They criticize the growing influence of the Beijing leadership to the former British crown colony. Again and again it comes to serious clashes between police and demonstrators. (red/sda)

Created: 11.11.2019, 07:32 PM