employees will be laid off, if you claim your right to freedom of expression. People are beaten up, if you sue for your right to freedom of Assembly. Children are detained when they draw for their future peacefully on the road. This is everyday life in Hong Kong these days.

And that’s not enough. On Friday morning, the police arrested Agnes Chow and Joshua Wong, two of the leading faces of the movement, firmly. They had shortly thereafter been on bail released, informed critical of the government party Demosisto. A for Saturday’s planned mass protest, has forbidden the police. Organizers of the Civil Human Rights Front have cancelled the Demonstration because of it. You do not wish to endanger potential participants, explained the protest Alliance.

In mainland China, the law has long solely for the purposes of the party.

Since the beginning of the protests in the Chinese special administrative zone, the forces seem overwhelmed. They have lost in dealing with the protesters each Mass. On the road, arbitrariness reigns. What happens in Hong Kong, has many to do with a rule of law. The arrests of political figures by police officers in unmarked vehicles on the road, cost more confidence.

In mainland China serves the right long alone, for the purposes of the party. In Hong Kong it was different. The city for 22 years, part of the people’s Republic. But it has always preserved its spirit. The rule of law and freedom are not considered, only rational business model. They make up the soul of the city. Now, the Hong Kong society is torn apart after weeks of protest, deep. Rather than threatening emergency laws and new violence should be set by the government, Carrie Lam finally to relaxation.

Ruled in Hong Kong, the political despotism, the city is soon only what it wants to make Beijing: a Chinese city among many.

Created: 30.08.2019, 17:47 PM