Croatia will not be a challenge between the right and the left. On January 5, on the ballot of the presidential elections, it will face the outgoing president, the conservative Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic , the date favoured by the polls, and the former prime minister the social democratic Zoran Milanovic , that has got to surprise the greatest number of preferences. Out of the sovranisti, led by vocalist Miroslav Skoro . The voter turnout was 51.1 per cent on the 3.8 million voters, 3 percent more than five years ago.

in The first place, Zoran Milanovic, as the candidate of the centre-left united and the premier Croatian from 2012 to 2015, who got 29.6 percent of the votes. The front of the social democratic is the opposition in Croatia for almost five years. Kitarovic, a member of the conservative Croatian democratic Union (Hdz) led by the premier Andrej Plenkovic , it goes to the second round with 26.8 percent of the vote. For the outgoing president, a result undoubtedly disappointing compared to the expectations of the eve that he would be victorious in this first round, on which the weight of the boom to the right sovranista.

The electorate of the right is split between supporters of the outgoing president and those of the exponent of the right sovranista, the popular singer Miroslav Skoro. His 24.4 per cent represents the best result of the right wing nationalist in Croatia in the last twenty years, and also an alarm for the premier Plenkovic. Skoro has focused his message in an election campaign precisely on the critical line moderate and pro-european government of Plenkovic, that the right wing nationalist intends to resume the parliamentary elections scheduled for autumn next.