Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has rejected the request of the U.S. security adviser John Bolton and guarantees for the protection of Syrian Kurds sharp. “It is impossible to swallow Bolton’s message from Israel, or to accept,” said Erdogan on Tuesday before the deputies of his party in Ankara. Bolton had made on Sunday the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, guarantees for the safety of their Kurdish allies.

Erdogan described the Manifestations of Bolton, who on Tuesday held talks in Ankara, as a “serious mistake”. “We will proceed very soon to the fact, to neutralize the terrorist groups in Syria,” Erdogan said. Turkey considers the Kurdish people’s defense units (YPG) because of their close Links to the Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK) as a terrorist organization and has repeatedly taken military action against you.

The United States is helping the Kurdish militia, however, despite the criticism of its Nato Partners for years in the fight against the jihadists militia Islamic state (IS) with air strikes and weapons. In December, US President, Donald Trump announced, although surprisingly, all of the US soldiers out of Syria to be deducted, because the IS-militia was there, defeated. After criticism from staff and allies, he added this statement, however, in the meantime. (anf/afp)

Created: 08.01.2019, 11:31 PM