As the first city in the U.S. San Francisco has banned the use of facial recognition technologies by the authorities. The risk that the use of such technologies can violate the citizens ‘ rights, outweighs the alleged benefits.

The city Council of the Californian city decided on Tuesday (local time). The use of facial recognition threatens to exacerbate racial injustice and “a threat to our ability to live free from constant surveillance by the government,” said the decision.

The municipal police and other municipal authorities may acquire in accordance with the decision no facial recognition technology, have or use. Airports or other of the Federal authorities operated facilities are exempt from the ban.

of Suspected abuse in China

critics argue that facial recognition systems were a strong invasion of privacy. There is also the risk that Innocent people falsely accused could be identified as a criminal threat.

The U.S. civil rights organization ACLU warns that with the technology the Public could indiscriminately and without a specific suspicion or clue to be comprehensively monitored. Proponents of the technology counter, face detection help the police in the fight against crime and bring more security.

A report from the “New York Times” that the Chinese authorities use facial recognition, to monitor members of the Muslim Uighur minority in the country. Therefore, China’s immense power is to be programmed to surveillance cameras so that the face detection is able to filter the Uighurs because of their appearance. (Dec/sda)

Created: 15.05.2019, 11:08 PM