These polls showed little change from the time the candidates faced off for the debate in the second round. These polls also indicate that the race remains as tight today as it was 10 months ago when the same question was asked by pollsters.

The debate lasted almost three hours and featured two candidates arguing about the cost of living, climate, Europe, pension rights and Le Pen’s ties to Russian Vladimir Putin.

Macron was not shy about that point: “You’re dependent upon Russia, you’re dependent Putin,” he said to her, reminding him that she still owes a loan to a Russian bank that is close to Putin.

Le Pen denied the accusation, and retorted: “I’m a free woman” and “I’m a patriot.”

Just after the debate, polls showed that 59% believed Macron, who was combative throughout the debate, was most convincing. Only 39% thought Le Pen, who was less subdued, did well.

With only three days to go, however, the 30% of those who are still undecided about whether they will vote on Sunday could be a significant factor.

Macron needs to be supported by the center-left and left voters who voted against him in the first round. Many of the 10 candidates who lost the first round are now in his support, though some prefer to tell their followers to “block Le Pen” instead of telling them to vote for Macron.

The swing to the right has dismayed younger voters, since the traditional left- and conservative parties were eliminated in the first round. Many believe Macron will not address their concerns regarding their future, but they don’t think Le Pen would.

Jean-Luc Melenchon, the third-placed far-left candidate was attracted to Le Pen’s first round campaign that focused on the issues most French people care about — the cost and security of living — which was an effective one. He was blunt in his post-defeat speech: “Not one vote for Marine Le Pen.”

They were both back on Thursday’s campaign trail. Le Pen decided to visit Roye, a northern town to reconnect with her supporters. This is an area in which she performed well in her first round. She appealed to voters who are struggling to make ends meet.

Macron also visited Le Pen’s support base by visiting Saint-Denis in Paris, a gritty, poor area with high unemployment and a large Muslim population. It was once a stronghold of communism in the 1980s. But, by the end the 1990s it had moved to the extreme right. The first round of the election saw the region vote extreme right- or left. Macron hopes that those who voted far left might rally behind him and block Le Pen.