Buchenwald concentration camp memorial stated on Monday that Romanchenko was killed in Buchenwald. He also survived camps at Peenemuende and Dora. According to Romanchenko’s granddaughter, the multistory building in which he lived was struck by a projectile.

Romanchenko, who was dedicated to the preservation of the memory of Nazi crimes, was vice president of International Buchenwald-Dora Committee.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, noted the irony in Romanchenko’s passing.

Zelenskyy stated in a video address on Monday that “Just imagine what he went through!” He survived Buchenwald and Peenemuende, Bergen-Belson and the other death conveyors created by Nazis. He was also killed when a Russian bomb hit a Kharkiv high rise. It becomes clearer with each day of the war what they (Russians mean by “de-Nazification””.

On Tuesday, Katrin Goering–Eckardt, the deputy speaker of Germany’s parliament, opened a session. She paid tribute to Romanchenko.

She claimed Romanchenko was taken to Dortmund in Germany in 1942 as a forced laborer and sent to concentration camps in 1943 after an unsuccessful escape attempt. In 1941, Nazi Germany invaded Soviet Union.

Goering-Eckardt stated that “His passing reminds us of Germany’s special historical responsibility towards Ukraine.” “Boris Romanchenko is just one of the thousands of Ukrainian dead.” Each and every life lost reminds us that we must do all that is possible to end this war against international law, and to help those who have fled to Ukraine.

In memory of Romanchenko, and other war victims, lawmakers observed a moment silence.

Christian Lindner, Finance Minister, stated that Romanchenko survived four concentration camps and was later killed in the Russian war against Ukraine. His fate demonstrates both the criminal nature of Russian policy as well as why Germany is showing solidarity to Ukraine. We must also be supportive.