The democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has vorgetellt his program for the presidential election of 2020. In a speech in Brooklyn he attacked Trump as “the most dangerous President in modern American history”.

The Senator from Vermont and promised in front of several thousand listeners in the event of his victory to change the United States. There will be an economy and a government that “works for all of us, not only for the one percent” at the top of the company. Sanders, who was defeated in the democratic candidates for the presidential election in 2016, the former Secretary of state Hillary race Clinton, presented the key points of his program: health insurance for all, the minimum hourly wage in the amount of $ 15, measures against climate change.

“I didn’t have a father who gave me millions of dollars to build Luxury skyscrapers, Casinos and exclusive clubs,” said Sanders in reference to the real estate magnate Trump. The son of an immigrant Jewish working-class family is revered by many young people to the cult. Many of his followers are convinced that the Democrats were defeated in 2016, Trump, if instead of Clinton Sanders against him would be taken up. (afp)

Created: 03.03.2019, 12:10 PM