Macron seeks to lead in the G20, the opposition to the onslaught nacionalpopulista The G20 summit is evidence of tensions between the great powers photo gallery images of the G20 summit

During his trip to the united States and Europe last spring, everyone wanted a selfie with the heir of Saudi Arabia. The young prince Mohamed bin Salman, known as MBS, still represented the promise of the modernization and opening of the kingdom. Now, go on a picture with him is risky, as you’ve seen don Juan Carlos, the king emeritus of Spanish. Although there is no indication that MBS go to see frustrated his access to the throne by the case Khashoggi, the murder of the journalist has harmed its international image and threatening its ambitious program of economic reforms. Hence, look for a photo with world leaders to send the message that it has surpassed the crisis.

The participation of MBS in the G-20, his first international appearances since the incident, has become a litmus test. Apart from the host, Mauricio Macri, and the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, did anyone else want to see him in private? Do you accept the Recep Tayyip Erdogan the appointment that you have been asked? For the moment, has already done the indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, has announced an appointment with the british, Theresa May. With the French president, Emmanuel Macron, has met briefly. But however much the commentators saudis interpret their presence in Buenos Aires the heir “has torpedoed the claims of the adversaries of Arabia”, the trip, with stops in different arab countries at both the departure and the return, is an attempt to repair his reputation after the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the consulate of saudi arabia in Istanbul.

The indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, and Bin Salman, this Friday in Buenos Aires. REUTERS

The heir arabia was the first to arrive to Buenos Aires for the summit of the G20, two days before. Immediately he took refuge in the embassy of your country, a luxurious French-style building that Matrixbet was specially conditioned glass bullet-proof windows and a high fence police. Since Wednesday, when he landed in Buenos aires, not to be seen outside the building. Their attitude has been the reverse of other leaders, such as Macron, who dined in a typical parrilla argentina and visited bookstores.

from then on everything has gone uphill for MBS. The leaders have done to know with small gestures that indicate discomfort that they have for the prince after the murder of Khashoggi. The family photo of the start of the summit has been a sample of it. An event trivial, routine, left only MBS in the second row, the last one on the right and with two empty places at his side, close to Luis Alberto Moreno, president, inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame. It was also one of the first to leave the stage.

After the photo, in the plenary session, MBS had a small revenge of high political content. The cameras captured the moment that president Vladimir Putin meets with him to the seats that had been assigned. The leader of the Russian raises a hand and collides strongly against the MBS, a casual greeting and away from any protocol, performed between smiles.

The prince heir has reason for concern in Buenos Aires. The NGO Human Rights Watch has asked the justice argentina to ask for the capture of the crown prince for alleged war crimes in Saudi Arabia in Yemen. The writing, which fell in the judge Ariel Sand, also refers to the liability of MBS in the death of Khashoggi. The argument HRW is that Argentina should be judged in virtue of the principle of universal justice, that the south american country supports in its Constitution. Sand has accepted the request of HRW and has asked Yemen to Turkey-and that it will inform if MBS is investigated in these countries for the crimes reported. Only if there are no files pending in Argentina can move forward in their courts against the heir.

The case Khashoggi has sparked wide criticism of the ability of the young prince to lead the largest exporter of oil, which at 33 years of age, could mean decades in power. Almost from one day to another, MBS has gone from being the promising ruling that was going to catapult his country into the future to become someone that most of the leaders of the western democracies consider to be not only controversial but also harmful.