Benjamin Netanyahu has not led Israel to another war during his fourth term as prime minister, with the sum already more than 12 years in power, and the economy grows at a rate above 3% per annum, with an unemployment rate of below 4%. It was a long time that the israelis were not living a longest period of relative calm, sustained calm. Until just a week ago, the surveys were allotted to the Likud party, led by the president, one-third of the seats in the Knesset (Parliament), a 50% more than that obtained in the parliamentary elections of march of 2015, hinting that citizens had condoned the corruption cases that dot. But in an unexpected twist —the fiasco of a military operation disguised in the Gaza strip— the Government more right-wing constituted in the history of the jewish State has entered into an unstoppable process of decomposition.

MORE INFORMATION The schism, palestinian political intensifies the ill-treatment of dissidents Seven palestinians shot dead by the israeli Army at a protest on the Gaza border A video shows a palestinian of 16 years shot dead by the israeli Army in Gaza

Israel has skirted this week the outbreak of the fourth large-scale war in Gaza in the last decade. Between Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon more than 40 bombings of the aviation israel hit 160 targets, including the headquarters of the television channel Al-Aqsa and the internal intelligence services of Hamas. Palestinian militants fired at turn 460 projectiles, including rockets and mortars against the surrounding area of en iyi bahis siteleri Israel, as the cities of Sderot and Ashkelon. The ceasefire between both parties, after mediation by Egypt and the UN, has finished cracking the covenant of six conservative parties, ultrarreligiosos, nationalist and extreme right that has been argued to Netanyahu in power for more than three years. Israel looks doomed to go to the polls.

The minister of Defense, the ultra-conservative Avigdor Lieberman, was the first to break ranks with his resignation in disagreement with the truce, calling her a “surrender to terrorism”. The departure of his party —Israel, Our Home (five members)— the coalition has left the Cabinet with a thin majority of 61 votes in a Knesset of 120 seats.

The leader of the right nationalist religious, the Education minister, Naftali Bennett, was quick to claim the Defense Department to change its training policy —Jewish Home (eight deputies)— continue to support the Government. After meeting Friday with Bennett, Netanyahu decided to Cepbahis reserve the wallet under your exclusive control, so that adds another key ministry to his direct management about Foreign Affairs.

Other barons of the Executive, as the Finance minister, Moshe Kahlon (centre-right, with 10 seats in his party Kulanu in the Knesset), and the Interior, Aryeh Deri (ultra-orthodox, with seven mps in the party (Shas), we have urged them to dissolve the Chamber and to anticipate the elections in order not to create more instability for the rest of the legislature, which must become extinct within a year.

Netanyahu to the israeli press before the start of the sabbath (the jewish holiday that paralyzes the activity of the country), against the “rumors” that were circulating there is no decision taken about the advance election. The prime minister intends to maintain the current coalition Government at least until the end of the year, in order to approve the planned release of two high-level key positions: the chief of the Armed Forces, whose mandate expires within a month, and the police, which concludes in early December. The leader of the Likud, wants to know first-hand who will be the maximum responsible of the research of the four corruption cases in which it is involved, in two of which the officers of the brigade anti-fraud have recommended to the attorney general for his indictment.

The Executive is scheduled to meet this Sunday, at the start of the work week, israeli time, in which Netanyahu —who has the last word on the election— must take a decision on the continuity of the political pact government. In a last ditch attempt to stay afloat, the president met on Thursday to the authorities of towns close to the Gaza strip, where it has exploded a protest movement after the recent hostilities, to promise a package of investments and economic aid.

A survey publicized yesterday by the daily Maariv shows that 70% of the israelis questioned the management adopted by Netanyahu during the security crisis. Half of the respondents estimated that the islamist movement Hamas —which governs de facto in the coastal enclave since 2007— has come out “victorious” in their largest armed confrontation with Israel since the devastating war of 2014. It seems understandable that Netanyahu would not feel the same urgency that his coalition partners at the time of ordering the call to the polls.