As the message from the White house urges the US President Donald Trump have ordered the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, came the reactions prompt US politicians and the allies dominated perplexity and dismay. In the North-East of Syria itself, where the effects of Trumps u-turn are most likely to be felt, it was, however, speechless. The tips of the Kurdish self-government did not want to comment, first, on Thursday, they released a dry Statement. The retreat will be “a negative impact” on the “fight against Terror”, it was said, the one in the Other just now in “fierce battles”.

jubilation in Turkey

caught by surprise, the forces in Syria’s North-East were assuming that your still closest ally, now wants to pack his things, which had been stationed here previously, around 2000 soldiers to the training and guidance of Anti-IS fighters – and only by his presence of protection against an attack of Turkey. In Kobane, where in 2014, the Foundation stone of the Anti-IS coalition, as the Kurdish militias, the city with the help of Western countries against the IS defended, the security forces responded in their own way. a few days ago they had begun, and trenches along the Turkish border. Pictures from social networks suggest that the earthworks have been intensified since Wednesday; from the diffuse fear of an Invasion had become a very specific.

On the other side of the border, however, the jubilation was great. For the Pro-government Turkish channel A Haber was on Thursday morning that the surprising turnaround in Washington was a result of the “Erdogan-diplomacy”. The Turkish President have moved to Trump for the troops withdrawal. Erdogan has criticised the Alliance between the United States and the Kurdish YPG militia, always fierce – in the opinion of Ankara, the group is part of the Kurdish PKK, the lead in Turkey for 35 years, a bloody fight against the army. In the last week, Erdogan threatened, therefore, repeated with a new military Operation in Northern Syria, in the territory East of the Euphrates. So it was this threat that Trumps sudden resulted in change? Anyway, the Turkey was informed in advance by the deduction.

Video: Trump announces withdrawal from Syria Announces the full withdrawal of its troops from Syria: US President Donald Trump. Video: Reuters

foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu claimed already last Sunday, Trump’s plan for the withdrawal from Syria. Only this believed none. On Monday, Erdogan said on television that he had received from Trump a “positive answer”: “We can start our Operation on Syrian soil at any Moment, without any harm to American soldiers.” On Wednesday, it was also known that Washington is the Turkey now wants to sell Patriot missiles for $ 3.5 billion. Ankara had demanded the long time, and also to accompany an action are established, a contract with Moscow to buy Russian defense systems S 400, to the great Annoyance of Washington.

all of This taken together seems to have decided to Trump the long, difficult, and strained relations to the Nato Partner Turkey with the stroke of a pen to improve fundamentally.

Demonized stroke and idealized

With the same spring – or better: with the same words on Twitter has Trump brought, however, in all likelihood, also a political project to its end is near. Some, like Erdogan vilified it, while others, such left-wing groups around the world, idealized it: the “democratic Federation of Northern Syria”. The self-administered areas are called East of the Euphrates. Almost a third of the Syrian territory had resulted in a Construct that was beyond the logic of the civil war. Under the protection of the YPG, the Kurds had begun initially in their areas, the Teachings of Turkey’s imprisoned PKK founder Abdullah Öcalan. Municipalities and cantons should be self-managing, policy-making basis to meet democratically in councils.

This System is installed on the Kurds in majority Arab or Turkmen inhabited areas that they conquered by the IS. Supporters of the Kurds say that here for an estimated 4.5 million people was created a territory in which a secular order also allows women an equal life. They not only fought side by side with the men against the IS, but also occupy civilian leadership positions.

Turkish TV stations have been broadcasting for days from the border fence and ask every Morning: “when do we leave?” To do this, you show the same pictures of Turkish tanks and military trucks that have positioned themselves.

enlarge map

The Turkey would probably bomb out of the air, however, the Kurdish militias on the ground in spite of the US-provided equipment would probably have little chance of success. In the North-East of Syria, the Trauma is still fresh, the Turkish army was triggered in January with their Invasion of the Kurdish enclave of Afrin. The YPG have not managed to defend the territory, according to Reports, the Turkish army on sales, here are ten thousands and settled Arab families.

In the case of a new attack could once again hundreds of thousands on the way – a direction: to the South of you, in the areas of the regime. The way to the North in Turkey is not an Option, the Kurdish brothers in the East, in Iraq, are holding their border. A Turkish attack, the Kurds now, to reach a Deal with the Regime in Damascus.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 20.12.2018, 18:48 PM