The tabloids in the greatest city in America love naughty title sheets. What is the “New York Post” continued on Thursday on its front page, however, was a real provocation: they showed the Explosion of the second passenger jets during the impact of the World Trade Center on September 11. September 2001 and continued on a statement made by the Muslim members of the Congress Ilhan Omar.

The Somalia-born, and in autumn to the house of representatives elected Democrat, was quoted a Phrase from a sentence, the you in March in Los Angeles in front of the Council for American-Islamic relations (CAIR) had formulated. CAIR was founded after 9/11, claimed Omar, “because you realized that a few people did something and we began to all have access to our citizens lose freedoms.”

The title page of the “New York Post” of Thursday.

In bold letters wrote the Post about the photo of the burning twin towers: “Here is your something – 2977 people dead due to terrorism.” The newspaper was outraged by Omar’s belittling of the worst attack on the continental United States in their history had experienced.

war veterans, Republicans and, of course, President Donald Trump joined in the Protest. “We will never forget!”, Trump wrote in large letters on a Video-Tweet Clips from Omar’s speech with scenes of the terrorist attack against cut. “You have not all cups in the cupboard,” said the Ex-Governor, Chris Christie. to rügen

Instead of the 37-Year-old, went party friends of the Democrat, the newspaper. Rashida Tlaib, in addition to Omar, the only other Muslim woman in Congress, called the cover a “purely racist act.” The third in the Trio of the research young Representatives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, spoke of “incitement to violence against progressive women of color”.

The three Democrats wanted to point the Finger at alleged Islamophobia, even though Omar had triggered with your characterization of 9/11, the indignation wave itself. Encouraged by the expressions of solidarity, said on Wednesday proudly: “We are here, to be silent.”

A head covering ban, abolish, was their first success

The pronounced self-awareness of acquired Omar in their extremely moving youth. In Mogadiscio born, she lost two years of their mother. Five years later she fled with the father, the Grandfather and six older siblings before the civil war to Kenya, where the family suffered four hard years in a refugee camp.

As the Omar’s in 1995 in the United States for asylum received, and on the Virginia to Minnesota, moved, Ilhan but their America-hopes deprived. The black Muslim have found their “otherness” as a burden, writes the New York Times. In College, she was a progressive political program. After 9/11, Omar sat up on the assertion of their Muslim identity in a hijab. The abolition of a 181-year-old head covering ban, this year was her first political success in the US Congress.

Since then, Omar has stirred up, however, with either careless or treacherous statements a lot of dust. On several occasions Israel had to be critic, sorry for anti-Semitic-sounding formulations. An attempt by the Speaker Nancy Pelosi to reprimand you with a Resolution, ended in a failure: it was Adopted a bland statement against all hate speech.

The new headlines to Ilhan Omar can’t be the Democrats welcome. Together with the two other women, the unusual representative has become the face of the party. President Trump and the Republicans are promoting it to their political opponents as radicals, extremists to brand. Because it would be in the election year 2020, a successful strategy is Omar even for some Democrats, safe for all Republicans, the most hated woman in America. (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 14.04.2019, 09:08 PM