The third week of the trial against Joaquin El Chapo Guzman started tightening the circle even more with the testimony of the man who was one his closest co-workers. “It was my only boss”, declared Miguel Angel Martinez, also known as The Fat man, who began to work for the capo of the Sinaloa cartel as a pilot, in the period in which the shipments were made by air. As the confidence grew, so did also their position in the plot criminal to achieve a charge that is the same called “manager”.

Martinez is the cooperator who is using the prosecution to put in evidence that Guzman was the main leader. “We gave orders to everyone,” he said. He began working for the drug trafficker as early as 1987. It pulled the pilot’s license in the united States and was known among the smuggling networks because knew where were the tracks underground. Guzman used as well to guide the pilots of the colombian cartels to transport cocaine shipments to Sound.


‘The King’ Zambada ensures that it paid bribes to the Calderón Government on behalf of the Sinaloa cartel plans of El Chapo to kill their rivals ‘The King’ Zambada details the bribes from the Sinaloa cartel to mexican authorities

By that time the command of the air traffic of drug was Amado Carrillo [leader of the Juarez cartel], that is why it was known as The Lord of the Heavens. The witness said that the two heads of the mexican cartels got along very well personally. “I saw them hugging at parties,” she related, “but were competing to see who brought more drugs”. “I said that I had to bring more cocaine than Loved, that I needed to get more planes,” he said.

Martinez accompanied Guzman to Los Angeles for the purchase of two aircraft. Shipments were growing until 1991. “We receive shipments every 20 days,” he said. The shipment of cocaine came to be in batches of up to 10 aircraft, each carrying up to 800 kilos of drugs. “It was El Chapo who decided that night, there was a party.” In the period that oversaw the air operations, told them that they were up to 200 flights.

During the interrogation, acknowledged several photos in which he is seen next to The Workpiece. Told him The Tololoche, and was asked to be the godfather of one of his sons. Its story coincides with the early years of the cartel. “He began to be called Sinaloa by articles in the press,” he said. Their roles in the organization mutated and was responsible, among other things, to open an office in Mexico City.

it Also changed the method of transport. An official of the office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), which was identified as Betgaranti Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni, warned them that the authorities drug the U.S. had installed a centre for interception of aircraft. Miguel Angel Martinez said that the police were on the payroll of Joaquin Guzman. He was paid bribes by a value of at least $ 20 million.

Thanks to the blow, they decided to import the cocaine by sea. The transfer of the drug from the boats colombian shrimpers property of Guzmán were made on points set out in international waters. Hence they approached the mexican coast, to areas where the drug trafficker had properties next to the ocean, and the boats were received by gliding.

As he said the last week Jesus The King Zambada, el capo mexican was in charge of virtually half of the investment in the cocaine shipment. The colombians, he explained, needed him to be able to introduce it in the united STATES. “They don’t have 3,500 miles of border,” he said. The last time Martinez saw Guzman was in 1994, when El Chapo was in jail.

Special security for aid workers

in order To preserve their identity, the judge forbade the cartoonists to draw his face. The donor, therefore, could only be represented with the blank face, no expressions or details of your hairstyle. “The wide dissemination of his image will make it easier to work to those who want to harm you”, he justified the magistrate, who asked that pixelaran the faces in evidence.

Cogan was also sentenced last week to a series of limitations to the defense in the questioning of witnesses about sensitive issues. In particular he referred to the issue of the bribes paid by the drug traffickers to mexican authorities to protect the drug shipments and prevent the arrests. Was looking for so not to reveal names and avoid the process to take a different course outside of the court.

The testimony of Jesus The King Zambada elicited a great political interest in Mexico, by the revelations that he made payments to millionaires to high-ranking officials in the name of his brother, Ismael El Mayo. Brian Cogan has stressed that this is a case about drug trafficking, not on corruption. For the defense, however, is the way of questioning that El Chapo Guzman was the leader of the cartel.

it is Not unusual for the prosecution to make this kind of requests to the judge, but this process is shrouded in great secrecy and they are adopting special measures to protect witnesses. Not only do you not reveal their names before passing by the stand, the documents that are made public are highly edited with studs in black. Lawyers are not permitted to discuss details of the trial.

Brian Cogan also called attention to Emma Coronel, wife of Joaquin Guzman, because he entered the room with a mobile phone. Electronic devices are only permitted in the federal courts in the united STATES for use among security personnel and the teams of both the prosecution and the defence. The public must deliver nothing more entering the building.