The former US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, has raised serious allegations against the former US-foreign Minister, Rex Tillerson, and Ex-chief of staff John Kelly. This should have worked against US President Donald Trump.

Tillerson and Kelly would want the US President during their term of office in its undermining of authority, and you win, writes Haley, according to Reports by US media as the “Washington Post” in a book published in the United States on Tuesday. Kelly and Tillerson had told her that they had tried “to save the country,” Haley was quoted as saying.

Kelly and Tillerson were trying to save the country.Nikki Haley

“A President to undermine is really a dangerous matter and it is against the Constitution and against what the Americans want,” Haley said to the TV channel CBS on Sunday.

If Trump means to work, to provide him with the “best and most open, legitimate and ethical” Council to make an informed decision to confess, he is guilty, said Kelly of the Washington Post.

dozens of personnel exchange

Since Trump in the White house ruled, there have been dozens of personnel changes. Kelly was dismissed in December 2018, the two companies were already in March of the same year, allegedly, via Twitter. Former employees of the White house have drawn in Insider Reports, and disclosure of books, a picture of chaotic conditions. Months after his release, Tillerson said, Trump did it a lot of times asked to do things that were illegal.

Haley had given up their influence, the Post of Ambassador to the United Nations in New York at the end of the year 2018 on a voluntary basis. It is said to have big ambitions. Denial, in Spite of talking speculation, you could compete at the US election in 2020, in place of Vice-President Mike Pence with Trump.


Created: 11.11.2019, 11:02 PM