The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines hope as a state of mind “that arises when it is presented as achievable for what you want”.Most earthly were words like “people”, “dignity” or “corruption” that lifted people out of the chairs and encouraged to move little flags with the eyes very open when he spoke Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

below that, on the asphalt of the zócalo of Mexico City, the “hope” is a saleswoman of pies for 70 years in the neighborhood of Iztapalapa, which leads to four hours under the sun with a poster with a phrase of Salvador Allende on the fight and the principles that no one reads. Or Carlos, who arrived from Michoacán with your child to show you the arrival of a “historic change” and that will moisten the eyes to see López Obrador to utter phrases such as: “For the good of all, first the poor”. Or Meche and his mother, who today remember together that in 2006 they spent many days camping in this same square in protest for what they considered a stolen election.


López Obrador, after assuming power: “I do Not have the right to fail the people of Mexico,” So we had the swearing-in of Lopez Obrador who is Who in the new Government Editorial | ‘Mexico, to his destination’

12 years after that, some 130,000 persons (according to the Public Security of the CDMX) gathered in the zocalo of the capital to give the reason to the dictionary. This time the hope is not raised after a national tragedy, and the largest square in Latin America became a canyon of optimism that shoots confetti to the continent.

To Jacinto, the indigenous zapotec of wrinkled skin color brown, the word “hope” was to see its new president receive the baton and be smoked by the incense in a ritual of respect to the native peoples, never before seen in the country. Before going to pay their respects to the cardinal, Lopez Obrador knelt before the old gods and pledged to “lead by obeying,” while a shaman made her sound the conch. They announced that “from now on the indigenous people will be a priority in all of the social programs of the State.”

Mexico closes its bloodiest year since the Revolution and is humbled each day by the tweets of u.s. president Donald Trump which calls them “lazy” and “criminals. However, a powerful sense of optimism and self-love took over the heart of a capital that hiperventiló Saturday night with the arrival of a stimulus of 65 years and white hair that drags the feet when walking, but that filled the plaza of families, university students and teachers who believe, as it says in the SAR, “it is possible to achieve what you want”.

“It’s exciting. Modabet I thought I would never get to see it with the sash and that you will not cease to be, but we are now standing, and Mexico does not have a president but a leader,” said Camila Baths 42, arrival of Hidalgo.

For nearly two hours, Lopez Obrador read 100 proposals, including the increase in pensions, the creation of 100 universities, large public works and their austerity plans. Among other news from Monday, “all public contracts that are signed will be supervised by the UN”, boasted as a sign of transparency.

The majority of those who listened to him believed to be part of a page of the story in which they listened to sentences such as “we’re going to have a health system like that of the nordic countries” or “the change of Mexico will be orderly, but deep and radical”. Other more peculiar announced that “officials are not parked in places prohibited” or “to treat you with kindness to the citizens in the public offices from now on.”

López Obrador liked where the more comfortable you feel, in the public square, and is portrayed in each sentence as a phenomenon that is purely mexican, came out of a catholic mother and a poet who wrote about the beautiful landscapes of Tabasco and drove him to the fight.

Your political ideology was forged in the idealism tropical and the actual policy of the City of Mexico, where he was mayor. However, in recent years, the man who announces the arrival of a similar transformation to the Independence, the Reform or the Revolution has come the more than 2,500 municipalities in the country and this Saturday, he picked up a crop that flourishes along with the affections.

Millions of people feel identified with a president that uses sayings of grandfather, which moves in a utility, that will live in your same house, who does not want an escort and makes promises, seemingly, very simple: “Not to lie, not to steal and not to betray”.

López Obrador began with the light of the day —on one side were the breathtaking volcanoes, the Popo and the Izta— and ended night. The most applauded by the thousands of people who heard it was “the end of the pension for former presidents”, “to recover the oil as did the general Cárdenas” or “investigate the disappearance of the 43 students of Ayotzinapa”, he cried out with the baton of indigenous people in the hand. Three friends, students of biology of the UNAM, took the hands of the pants to applaud his promise that there will be no fracking, or genetically modified seeds.

When he finished speaking he began a popular celebration with music and poetry. Few were able to recall any of the hundred points detailed but in the air flying over the feeling of being engaged in a most ambitious adventure to “a new Mexico, more democratic and equitable”.