The former Prosecutor of U.S. President Donald Trump , Michael Cohen, is on 8. February before the US Congress to testify. Cohen will be behind closed doors to the intelligence Committee of the house of representatives to answer questions, said the democratic Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on Monday.

The former Trump-Familiar appear to be agreed “voluntarily”. Last week, Cohen a for 7 had. February set a public date in front of another congressional Committee canceled. His lawyer reasoned with “threats”, to which Cohen’s family had been subjected to by U.S. President Donald Trump.

ship spoke of “legitimate Concerns” Cohen’s for his own safety and the safety of his family, which had been fueled by “inappropriate” statements trump and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani. “These attacks against Cohen’s family must stop.”

sentenced To three years in prison

Cohen’s questioning observers expect in Washington possible new explosive revelations about the President and the Trump group. It is, among other things, in the affair of possible illegal Russia-contacts of the Trump team. Cohen has broken up with his Ex-boss, and is with him now on war foot.

In December, Cohen in a New York court, was sentenced to three years in prison, among other things, convicted of perjury in previous statements to the Congress, and violations of the campaign Finance laws. The 52-Year-old had to go in for the arrest but yet.

Also of the Senate intelligence Committee wants to question Cohen. The panel invited him, last week, to be binding, it is likely to be in February another hearing before Congress. It is unclear so far whether this is to be public or held in camera.


Created: 28.01.2019, 23:56 PM