the Task comes from a person familiar with the matter and referenced by the Wall Street Journal and the news agency Bloomberg.

the Investigation is reported to have been driven forward by a civil action in a court in Seattle in 2017, where Huawei by a federal grand jury was found to have stolen robotics from T-Mobile.

According to the person familiar with the case, the commission of inquiry has entered a stage of a criminal prosecution may be instituted within a short.

the Case points to a tougher american stance against the chinese company, something that hardly facilitates the negotiations between the united states and China on how handelskonflikten between countries should be resolved.

theft of company secrets will at the same time as the chinese telekombolagets chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou since 1 december, the sit arrested in Canada at U.S. request, accused of having violated U.S. sanctions against Iran between 2009 and 2015.

Meng is released on bail and are currently being held in house arrest with a tag in his home in Vancouver in anticipation of a u.s. decision if she should be requested.

subjected to harsh international criticism, as fears of the outside world has increased in order that the company may be spying for the chinese state’s behalf. Countries like USA, Uk, Japan, Australia and New Zealand have already decided to stop Huawei from building out their 5G network for mobile telephone traffic.

Also, Norway may be shut out of the chinese giant from build 5 G-networks with reference to the risk of espionage. An investigation is also underway in Sweden, but according to the national Post and telecom agency that doles out the permits for the deployment of 5G is as yet no decision to stop Huawei.

got earlier in the week Huawei’s 74-year-old founder and ceo Ren Zhengfei for the first time to make a public statement then, Meng Wanzhou, as is his daughter, were arrested in Canada.

He emphasized that his company is not spying for the chinese state.

” I love my country. I support the Communist party, but I will never do anything that would damage any country in the world, ” said Ren Zhengfei, in a comment.

Huawei has 180.000 employees and has grown to become the world’s largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment. Last year the company of Apple as the world’s second largest producer of smart phones.

Read also: Experts concerned about China’s retaliation