On Thursday went in Davos, two of the avalanches. How the Canton police writes the Grisons, in a communication, were buried two people. One of them succumbed to their injuries.

An avalanche triggered by 14 at the winter gap in the Flüela Wisshorn. A 31-year-old split Board driver has been swept away. Three of his tour colleagues were able to retrieve him places and before the Arrival of the Rega from a depth of more than two meters from the snow. After the initial medical care of the injured to the Canton hospital of Graubünden, Chur flown. There he died on Friday morning of his injuries.

Shortly before 14.30 a further avalanche triggered in Davos Wolfgang on Totalphorn. A member of a group of five, a 37-year-old Snowboarder has been recorded. A third person started with the salvage of the partially Spilled. His tour colleagues rose up to him, the alarm with the rescue workers and helped in the rescue. The man suffered a femur fracture. The Rega flew him to the hospital in Davos. (sep)

Created: 04.01.2019, 11:51 PM