DN:s kultursida writes Maria Schottenius (11/4), rightly appreciative, if the triumphal Hilma af Klint’s art made over the last decade thanks to the efforts from the museum of Modern art and its management: The big exhibition in the museum of Modern art 2013 and in connection with a display at the Venice Biennale, recently, a comprehensive exhibition of the Guggenheim museum in New York city.

Hilma af Klint, however, had struck the world with amazement far in the past. In his will decided the artist that her works would not appear until twenty years after her death, which occurred in 1944. It would take until 1970 before a foundation was established in her name. The foundation was pegged to the teosofernas activities in Järna, to which the Hilma af Klint had a strong connection, not least through their contacts with Rudolf Steiner. In Järna was also the foremost scholar of her art, Åke Fant, which, already in the beginning of the 1980s, published her internationally.

of museimannen Konrad Oberhuber, who was in the process of doing a comprehensive inventory of the abstract art roots. At the exhibition The spiritual in art 1890-1985 at the Los Angeles County museum appeared Hilma af Klint’s painting as equivalent with the Kandinskys, Malevitjs, Mondrian and other predecessors ‘ works. Hilma af Klint’s reputation as an equal with these well-established pioneers of the spread in the art world.

A book by Åke Fant if the artist came out in 1989 and in the context of the made the museum of Modern art an exhibition which was supplemented with an exhibition in Malmö around Kandinsky and his Swedish contacts. He had exhibited at the Baltic exhibition in Malmö in 1914, and then in the Execution art gallery in Stockholm.

was made about Kandinsky and his Swedish contacts with some of the leading researchers in the field from both the united states and Russia. The symposium was published in a book Kandinsky and Sweden. The purpose of this was to show that Hilma af Klint was not to be regarded as a solitary but rather was firmly rooted in one of the most significant currents of ideas. When this happened the company had Åke Fant, unfortunately, died.