Near Indiana, Christopher Cain (21 km) and Deja Cousins -Cain searched for a new market to open their wine bar, “Good Vibes Only.” They settled on Lansing as a suburb, which has seen steady growth, with an increase in Black residents.

These two enclaves, which are home to approximately 30,000 people, reflect the changing nature of metropolitan areas across the country due to Black migration patterns. Over the past decades, Black residents have moved out of some of the country’s most populous cities while suburban areas have seen an increase. According to the 2020 U.S. Census, these two trends have spread to more parts of the country.

These patterns reflect the 20th-century “white flight” that reshaped urban landscapes. Black residents move to avoid crime, seek out affordable housing, and enjoy the amenities that come with reputable schools. There are some key differences. Leaving Black cities that are poor in investment is often more necessary than a choice. Those who settle in suburban areas often face racial inequalities.

13 American cities that had the most Black residents lost their inhabitants between 1990 and 2000. It was 23 by 2020. According to Bill Frey, the Brookings Institution, 54% of Black residents in the 100 largest American metro areas were suburbites in 2020. This is an increase of 43% from 20 years ago.

Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New York all saw a decline in Black residents between 2010-2020. Chicago was the exception, with an increase in population, but a decrease of 85,000 Blacks, the largest loss after Detroit according to the 2020 census. These numbers may vary slightly as the Census Bureau reported last Wednesday that 3.3% of Blacks were undercounted in 2020’s census. This is a higher rate than 2010 and could be disputed by the Census Bureau.

According to the official count, Roseland lost 1,600 Black residents in a region less than one square mile. The area where President Barack Obama used to be a community organizer, located approximately 20 minutes south from downtown, doesn’t even have grocery stores. Judy Ware, who purchased Ranch in 2018, is more determined to keep going.

She said, “We take pride that we try to keep this institution within the neighborhood.” “It’s needed.”

The suburbs are a better option for others.

Cousins Cain and her husband were surprised to choose Lansing. This was not always friendly to Black people.

The city was settled by Dutch and German immigrants. It has seen an approximately 50% increase in the number of Black residents. They now make up almost half of the city’s population. Lansing elected its first Black trustee recently.

Cousins Cain stated, “It just feels that we are finally getting an chance to bring something back to the table and add something to the discussion.”


These trends are complex. One reason is that Black people are moving to Southern cities, in a reverse of the Great Migration. This movement began in 1910 and saw millions of South Africans flee discrimination to seek refuge in northern cities. Recent changes have seen some of the most dramatic shifts in metro areas, as suburban areas of major cities experience Black population growth.

Black Chicagoans now account for less than 30% of the population. In 1980, they accounted for 40% of Chicago’s total population. They have also increased their presence in many Chicago suburbs over the period of 2010 to 2020.

There are many reasons why Chicagoans and Chicago demographers have left the city:

The 1970s saw the decline of the steel industry, and the emergence of blue-collar work in the 1970s. — The war against drugs. — Dismantling public housing in 2000s, which resulted in thousands of Black residents being displaced. School closings in 2014, which disproportionately impacted Black and Latino children.

“It’s hard to pinpoint one thing,” Dan Cooper, Chicago’s Metropolitan Planning Council director of research, said. “And when you look into the confluence factors, Black people haven’t been centred in policy or are centered incorrectly.

Chicago, long segregated, continues to report disparate outcomes based on race in regards to home ownership, income and transportation access. Roseland residents report persistent crime, delayed services, and a train that terminates at Roseland’s northern edge. As drafts of a political map show that there are fewer majority-Black areas, concerns persist about Black political power being diluted.

Many people said that these issues made them leave.

Chris Calhoun (32-year-old truck driver) sought more peace in suburban South Holland during 2014.

He said that the deciding factor was “Where can my children ride their bikes outside or can we take a stroll around the block together as a family, without having to look over my shoulder?”

Crystal Fenn moved to Atlanta in 2015 to attend law school. She is now an attorney.

She said, “If you could do any better for yourself than you are now, why would that make you want to live there?” “The city seems to have lost interest in Roseland because of the lack of economic dollars.”

Roseland, once a Dutch enclave was annexed to Chicago in 1892. In the following decades, there was an influx in Black families.

Marc Pullins (56), recalls four local grocery stores, and has fond memories about Kohn Elementary School.

Pullins, a resident and activist, stated that half of the neighborhood went there. They’re all gone.

Kohn is found in Roseland, which has lost over 1,600 Black residents. It is now vacant and has a “For Sale” sign. It was one of the 55 schools that Rahm Emanuel, the former mayor, targeted in the largest school closings in the country.

Nearby businesses and homes, including a candy shop are being shuttered. Preservation Chicago has listed the area as one of Chicago’s most endangered areas.

Kisha Pleasant (41), bought her first Roseland home but was forced out by violence and diminishing amenities.

She said, “I cannot retire in this region.” “I want outside and I don’t want to be afraid that someone will shoot at me,” she said.

She moved to Lansing last year.


After living in Chicago, Sameerah and Jerrell Miller lived six years prior to moving to Lansing with their daughter.

They paid less for a house near a top school than they would have in Chicago. The median Lansing home price is $195,000, which is less than half of the city’s average.

Jerrell Miller stated that “Lansing” is still a place where children can play in the summertime. “You can’t get that in the city without worrying.”

Micaela Smith moved to Lansing in 2002 to be part of the growing Black population. After a difficult campaign in a predominantly white suburb, she became the first Black trustee of the suburb.

Smith stated, “I needed to persuade more voters.”

Activists claim that Lansing has faced many issues related to race. A Black teenager was threatened and held down by a white off-duty officer of the police. This confrontation led to the city signing a memorandum of agreement with activists and the U.S. Department of Justice.

In The Upper Room Ministries’ Pastor David Bigsby held a community meeting about traffic stop disproportionately. He noted that a major thoroughfare is a significant divide between Black and White residents.

He said, “It’s still separated in town.”

The 76-year old, who moved into parsonage six year ago, still has approximately 250 congregants, which is an increase of around 20%.

Black-owned businesses are also growing in Lansing. Cain and Cousins -Cain opened the chic S.L. Wine Bar opened last year with jazz and R&B music. The support from Black customers has been strong.

Cousins stated, “We want our version of Cheers,”


Roseland residents, who are still proud of Obama’s work in Roseland, say they have seen signs that there has been a turnaround.

Chicago officials have revealed plans to extend the train line and launched a $750million program to help neglected neighborhoods like Roseland. Greater Roseland Chamber of Commerce hopes that a community hospital can be developed into a medical district.

After enduring the coronavirus pandemic, Judy Ware will be returning to Ranch table service. The restaurant was destroyed by a fire that broke out in the midst of unrest after George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis. Takeout couldn’t support the business, which has been around for over 50 years.

Ware feels optimistic about the upcoming reopening of Ware Ranch Steak House after renaming it Ware Ranch Steak House. She also installed new flooring and orange booths.

She said, “If we can weather any storms, I believe we’ll be able to come out on the other side.” Roseland is full of things that are waiting to happen.