US vice-president, Mike Pence, refused to say ‘Black Lives Matter’ during an interview with ABC News Friday.

It writes several american media, including CNN.

instead replied the vice-president, that all life means something.

– Let me emphasize, that what happened to George Floyd, was a tragedy. In this country we celebrate the fact that from the beginning we have cherished the ideal of that we all are born equal and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. Therefore, all life much, said Mike Pence.

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the Journalist was however not impressed with the vicepræsidentens answer, and asked why Mike Pence directly why he refuses to say ‘Black Lives Matter’ at a time when that just focus on racism and discrimination, when it comes to african-americans in the UNITED states.

– Forgive me for pushing you here, sir. But I note that you have not said these words, Black Lives Matter, and there is an important difference. People say that of course all lives matter, but to say these words is a recognition that black lives also matter in a time in our country, where it seems that there is a segment in our society, there is the view. So why will you not say the words?, asked reporter Brian Taff.

Mike Pence believe, however, that there are americans who regard black lives as less valuable than other human life.

– I do not accept the fact, Brian, that there is a segment who disagree with it precious in every human life, said the vice president.