a total Of 730 million dollars to give an extraordinary boost to both future graduates and those who have lost their jobs during coronakrisen.

It shall notify the ministry of Employment on Wednesday, after two agreements, respectively, 390 and 340 million dollars has been entered into by a political majority in the Danish Parliament.

– unfortunately, We have an expectation that more will end up in arbejdsløshedskøen, says minister for employment Peter Hummelgaard (S) at a doorstep in the ministry.

– Therefore, we have tried to reach an agreement, which allows people who have lost their work, something that provides the opportunity to enter into employment again.

And at the same time, resolve the situation, a part of the workforce has the skills that are in demand in the future, he says.

the Agreements provide, among other things available over 30 years, who have an outdated education and training, the opportunity to start on the selected vocational education and training, where they get 110 percent of the daily allowance, so far they have got.

An outdated education can, for example, be a training that you haven’t used in five years.

There will also be an extra boost of vocational training courses, so as to make available a flexible transition to new jobs and industries. In particular, it shall be possible for the unemployed to increase the digital competences.

From next year, the pot is to short vocational training courses increased from approximately 120 million dollars annually to about 225 million kroner, according to the agreement.

– the Left stands behind the agreement, because they are available must have an extra hand in the situation they are in now, says beskæftigelsesordfører Hans Andersen (V).

– We will double the pot to the jobrettede pools, we strengthen vokselærlingeuddannelsen, and we double the money to traineeordningen, he says.

Graduates will also get a boost in the form of an extended and expanded traineeship employment up to 1. July 2022, so that more graduates can get a quick response to a job.

– Some of it, as The Radicals also have put weight on, are they recent graduates, says beskæftigelsesordfører Samira Nawa (R).

– we are Therefore pleased that we have got a graduateordning, which ensures that graduates can be sluset into small and medium sized companies, she says.

the Agreement on the upgrading of skills to strengthen the level of education and job opportunities, with a total of 340 million crowns from this year up to and including 2023.

This agreement is acceded to by the Social democrats, the Left, the Danish people’s Party, The Radical and The Conservative, the political parties in 2014 was part beskæftigelsesreformen.

The second agreement provides $ 390 million crowns for an extraordinary boost of available rooms. In this agreement are the five aforementioned parties with the exception of The Conservatives with. Also SF and Enhedslisten accede to this agreement.