A bill LREM passed yesterday in the Senate, which aims to protect victims of domestic violence, would force the porn sites to verify the age of their users under penalty to be taken off-line. It will no longer be sufficient to tick a box in order to access adult movies on the internet. The text still needs to be validated by the National Assembly.

Among the solutions envisaged, the use of France Connect, the portal id that is dedicated to public services, which serves in particular to connect on the website of the tax and social security. Other possibility: the mandatory use of a credit card even for the free sites. They are not in fact available only from 16 years of age, who, without fully ensure that the person is an adult, however, limits the exposure of minors to pornography.

“, Whether on a computer or on their smartphone, the minors today can very easily view pornographic content freely available online, regrets that the senator LR Marie Mercier, author of the amendment which introduced these rules. It’s just one click away, by which the minor certifies that it has more than eighteen years, so that thousands of pornographic videos to be accessible.”

This is the superior audiovisual Council which would be responsible to bring the case to court, which could then request the operators to cut off access to these sites. A similar device, according to Marie Mercier, to put in place to combat gambling illegal online.

A request of Emmanuel Macron

It responds to a request from Emmanuel Macron, who presented last November a three-year plan to end violence against children. “We’ll specify in our penal Code that the simple fact to declare his age in line does not constitute a sufficient protection against access to pornography to minors,” he said. This could soon be the case.

The president of the Republic had also threatened the internet service providers to impose a parental control by default, which would have compelled them to verify for themselves the age of the users who want access to pornographic sites. A provision criticized by the latter, pointing in particular to the principle of net neutrality.

To avoid this, they had signed with the different actors of the web, including the company production of erotic films Marc Dorcel a charter, in which they undertook to reduce the exposure of minors to content that is pornographic, in particular by encouraging the use of parental control tools. Las, as the proposed law does nothing of this.

Remains to be seen whether France will be able to impose rules sites porn that are often hosted abroad, and therefore remain accessible to users of a VPN. Similar initiatives to protect minors from pornography had already been taken in 2005 under Jacques Chirac, and then in 2017 under François Hollande. Without success. In the United Kingdom, another bill that would have required users to prove their age by travelling in a newspaper with a piece of identity has also been abandoned.

The editorial team conseilleEnfants and screens: the internet players undertake a minimum of”pornography has been totally trivialized in the young people”A pornographic website that is accessible to the children attacked in justiceSujetsPornographieViolences conjugalesInternet9 commentairesEric12le 10/06/2020 19:59

Give a credit card number… to get hack his card. Super idea.

toutfoulcantle 10/06/2020 19:51

Without go on a porn site, you can always fall on a guy who shows his dick, it happens even with “good people”…

I watch your window I shake so scaredle 10/06/2020 19:45

is That all ?

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