the Left led by the rapporteurs Martin Geertsen and Ellen Trane Nørby went on Tuesday in the flesh on the health minister Magnus Heunicke (S). It happened at a consultation at the Palace.

the Reason for the consultation was that many of the authors were concerned about the many died on the plejehjemmene.

Including Sølund in Copenhagen where the 15 employees at the nursing home tested positive without having symptoms. Back at the end of april was 16 out of 160 residents died after they had been infected with the coronavirus.

the Question was whether some of the deaths could be avoided if healthcare workers had been tested and equipped with protective equipment in the past.

Oppositionspolitikerne required specific answers as to why the guidelines for health professionals was first changed three months later when there was the knowledge that people without symptoms could also be infection in the past.

the minister of health rejects, however, the paragraph. At the conciliation, argues he, that in the Danish Health and medicines authority guidelines was previously mentioned, there are seen examples of the person-to-person infection before symptom onset.

– It is not correct to say that it was not of the guidelines, that there could be contagion before the symptoms. It made 29. January 15. February, says Magnus Heunicke (S) at the conciliation.

the Liberal party’s former health minister Ellen Trane Nørby believe, however, that the minister fails to answer the question:

– He does not address the core of the issue. This is about people who do not exhibit symptoms.

That changed one first the 21. april. I miss the answer to why there goes three months from the minister on it, you change it.

– You knew from the end of January, that people without symptoms could be infection, and it is so unfortunately that has cost the lives of residents out on the Danish nursing homes, says Ellen Trane Nørby.

To the corresponding minister of health:

– Danish Health and medicines authority has for me been informed, that the the 25. march published a revised guideline for the management of Covid-19 in health care.

– There was in this guideline a specific focus on testing to avoid the spread of infection both in hospitals and in institutions such as nursing homes, why it was recommended to test the citizens on the institutions of suspected contamination. Therefore, it is not correct, and that is probably why you feel that you do not get answer, as it is a wrong premise, says Magnus Heunicke.

It was George, who back in april said that it was first inscribed in the guidelines for the health sector 21. april, that coronaviruses can infect before symptoms appear.

The first was mandatory for nursing staff to wear the visor, when they are in close contact with older people without symptoms 23. april, like the first 21. april was decided that all nursing homes with found infection to be tested.