Linda JerneckLäs more columns of the:
Linda JerneckFölj

In the course of the last decade, the country’s three largest regions Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Skåne, sweden – quietly closed its pandemilager, according to an analysis from the Radio. It’s there to have a little bit of extra dust masks, hand disinfectant and skyddsmateriel, if necessary, seemed to be well out of date. American health care would operate like a well-oiled Toyotafabrik – just-in-time, just when they were needed, would supply enter at the loading dock, and are seamlessly discharged into the operating theatres.

In Skåne, sweden, where, as recently as december slid to the requirements of the stock when the pandemic plan was – to the hospitals in april, so a bit of protective gear left behind, that it was not clear whether it would be in the next 48 hours. The region was to ask the Board for help in order to be ready for the weekend.

as the Chief political figure, regionrådet, Carl-Johan Sonesson (M), this may not be the answer to why they decided to remove the obligations from the plan. For the new york times, he says, ”It’s a very good question, especially now that we know how a pandemic might hit. If we had known that we would most likely not be removed for the test. However, I haven’t gotten any really good answer as to why the officials made the assessment.”

the Other think that it is the officials who bear the major responsibility, however, to hope that ”all political parties are aware of a common self-criticism,” because ”the political pajkastning disadvantage just to the south of sweden.

and, Everywhere, have the responsible to sjukvårdspolitikerna the fågelholksminer and surprise.

”I don’t know why there has been a change of heart,” said the Stockholm regional council, Irene Svenonius, when the SR was asking why the pandemic plan does not address the importance of inventory management.

Not Today, Larsson (P), which is the role of the commissioner for the opposition, was made the decision in 2011, and he knew what he was doing: ”I didn’t know that the emergency stocks disappeared.

It sounds almost as if they think, read, and review, the proposal is not included in the politikeruppdraget?

at the same time as the regionpolitikerna stroked the emergency stocks from their pandemiplaner, the extraordinary chambers in the first of the national Board of health and then Folkhälsomyndigheten with the requirements of the employer, that is to say, the regions should build up the layers of protective gear to the staff and the documentation prepared. However, what the government wrote in its planning documents, obviously went regionråden completely gone.

No one knew what they decided on. They were the only officers lekbollar. It sounds almost as if they like to read, and review, the proposal is not included in the politikeruppdraget?

In the Region of Stockholm and serves the heltidspolitikerna is between 111 000 and 125 000 sek per month, depending on how long it has been. It’s an 80 or 90 per cent of the ministerlön. Also, in the Skåne region and the Västra Götaland region, reaching the top politicians in the region of 100 000 sek per year in salary.
