on Monday, saw the year’s hottest day, when the km / 30.4 degrees celsius recorded in the Distributor, in the Hudiksvall municipality.

But as early as the day of expected bad weather.

During the afternoon we hit heavy rain and thunderstorms to an area stretching from the inner Region to the more Mountainous and to the east of the northern part of sweden.

” That might often be like this in the summer, when the soil is warming up and we have a high-speed movement of the air. Then there is cumuli, which are growing at bymoln and then give it a hearty showers and thunderstorms, ” says Maria Augutis, a meteorologist at the väderinstitutet the Storm.

the Rest of the country at the same time, wait out the sun – and the local area, there may be up to about 25 degrees.

really nice weather to come
the Forecast of the future, however, was worse. Already on Wednesday, pulling a low pressure in from the north-west, which brings changeable weather conditions and lower temperatures.

“the Temperature will drop quite dramatically, mainly in the north of sweden, but also in the Country and the Region,” says Maria Augutis.

in Sweden, the south of the country, can continue to reach up to 20 degrees when the rain stays away. The rest of the components, rather than between the ages of 15 and 17 degrees celsius.

this trend is set to continue on Thursday and Friday, so it looks like it will be more unstable weather conditions in the future.
More alerts
the rain, however, is a piece of good news.

THE flag to fire all the way from Skåne to Västerbotten in the north, and the rain is able to come up with much-needed moisture to the soil.

the Inhabitants of Dalarna, Jämtland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten, it should be added on top of the rain. It’s because the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute, also warns of high flows in these areas.

” we will have more rain, it’s not a good thing for the spring. Then, these warnings, hang on, ” says Maria Augutis.

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