Are considered to be a shield against heart attack, stroke and even cancer. But now comes to the surface some scientific evidence that makes clear on the actual usefulness of Omega-3. And emerge who are unable to have a protective function with respect to the cancer, but in fact, they might even encourage (even if slight) to the occurrence of prostate cancer. The scientific reviews Two systematic reviews of the british University of East Anglia recently published in the British Journal of Cancer and Cochrane Reviews have confirmed that supplements of omega 3 can reduce only slightly the mortality and coronary events, but may even increase the risk of prostate cancer. With regard to the link between these supplements and cancer, have been analysed 47 randomized controlled trials that involved individuals who had no cancer, subjects with a higher risk or with a previous diagnosis of cancer. In total, were involved more than 100,000 participants. Some have been asked to consume more omega-3 fats, long-chain (fish oils) and others to maintain their usual dietary intake, for at least a year. The opposite results compared to the claim in advertising For years, especially in the United States, these products were promoted as supplements that can prevent cardiovascular diseases and even some types of cancer. But now these results lead to conclusions completely different. In fact, it is not possible to demonstrate any type of benefit on overall mortality or on the specific, nor on the stroke with none of the formulations tested. With these data, researchers have made statistical hypothesis. If 1,000 people take supplements of omega 3 for about four years, three people would avoid to die of heart disease, six people would avoid a coronary event (such as a heart attack), but three more people develop cancer of the prostate. The supplements aren’t too much In particular, the researchers have concluded that it is not possible to demonstrate any benefit on cancer mortality, on the incidence of cancer in general and breast cancer in particular. And the conclusions refer to the supplements because, in both of the analyses, in the vast majority of cases, participants took the supplements and not eating a diet rich in fish or other sources of omega-3. And then, there are other studies to consider. Only in 2019, ‘ write the researchers – more than 80 researches have shown that they have no power against type 2 diabetes. But according to the Health Service in the uk, only in 2018 the market has a fruity, at the global level, us $ 33 billion, and contributed to the devastation of the planet with the aquaculture dedicated.
“our previous research, said lead author of the study Lee Hooper , of the Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia, have shown that supplements of omega-3 long-chain, including fish oils, do not protect against conditions such as anxiety, depression, stroke and diabetes. These large systematic reviews included information of many thousands of people for long periods of time and have made it clear that if we take supplements of omega 3 for several years, we could slightly reduce our risk of heart disease, but we may have a greater risk for some cancers. So, in conclusion, the general effects on our health are minimal”.
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