the TRIPOLI National Oil Corporation, the national oil company of libya, has been forced to block the production of the oil fields of the South-West of El Sharara and El Feel after the militias of general Khalifa Haftar have closed a pipeline connected to the wells. The announcement was made from the same Noc, he had to start the procedure of “force majeure” provided for by law and then put in place the technical procedures to preserve both the ability to reactivate wells that maintain free pipelines.

A militia close to Haftar has blocked the oil pipeline that transports crude oil from the reservoir to the refinery of Zawiya on the coast of the Mediterranean. Both the wells and the refinery are managed by the “MOG”, Mellitah Oil & Gas, the joint venture between Noc and italy’s Eni. Then they were blocked in the wells of the Eni. Already on Saturday, the Noc was forced to block the production of oil in five oil terminals in the East, also in this case, orders come from militias linked to Haftar.

the Sources of the government of Tripoli, to explain that the chief executive officer of the Noc, engineer, Mustafa Senalla, has sent an appeal to the governments of the United States, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, and the United Nations to explain that the blockade imposed by the Petroleum Facilities Guards affiliated with Khalifa Haftar has forced the closure of a pumping station in Libya in the West. The whole of libyan production on-shore (terrestrial) at this point, it will be blocked, even after the closure of the terminal load yesterday. This will cut 800 thousand barrels of oil per day of our production.

the head of The NOC asks, “if the Berlin Conference might proceed as if nothing had if the block the oil will not be revoked. Any decision taken in these circumstances – with a fragrant violation of the laws – it would not be legitimate and could not be lasting”. The engineer Sanalla continues, saying that “these tactics are unacceptable, you must react in the hardest way possible. Block oil is a crime against the libyan law. Libya, which should emerge from the Berlin conference should be a legal status. To continue the meeting under these conditions of illegality would be an acceptance of the illegality and unacceptable”.

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