BOLOGNA – Survey “boomerang” by Lucy Borgonzoni on Facebook: a defeat on their own field, that of the social, where the League usually gives the best of himself. But this time, the candidate of the centre-right to the Regional authorities in Emilia-Romagna on 26 January, is the target.

In a post on Wednesday morning launched a poll: “Which pair do you choose?”, accompanied by pictures of the couple Zingaretti-Bonaccini and the league Borgonzoni-Salvini. To rate: a like meant right, a face with angry meant the left. The page of the candidate salviniana, however, has obviously been assaulted by the “competition web” and so the survey is still open, at 8 Thursday morning, he said, on 42.427 votes 33,535 to the “enemies” of the Pd and only 8355 the duo in the league.