An open clash between the majority and the opposition on the case Gregoretti. The commissioners in the majority have abandoned the Council of the immunity of the Senate, shortly before the end of the sitting, to protest against the decision not to acquire new documents on the state of health of the refugees that were on board of the ship the Italian military and to call for tomorrow at 19 the office of the presidency to decide the date of the vote on the fate of Matteo Salvini at the time scheduled for the 20th of January.

To come out first from the classroom was the senator cricket Mattia Crucioli that also explains the “mystery” of a majority is not a majority on the board of the immunity of the Palazzo Madama. “My request to acquire new documents – says Crucioli – was put to the vote by the president Gasparri, but with 10 votes, equal was rejected. It’s never happened before that one instance is so important to be rejected. I felt the need to abandon the session, and like me, other members of the majority. The request was rejected with a real shot of hand, just because they have the numbers and take advantage of the absences of Fat, and Giarrusso, out in the institutional visits with the anti-Mafia Commission”.

Therefore, the centre-right taking advantage of the absence of two commissioners of the majority of yellow-red and imposes its own choices. With Gasparri who votes and makes getting to the centre-right of the 10 votes that allow the tie and the rejection of the request of Crucioli and the meeting of the Bureau. Which should also participate Fat, which is the parent company of Leu on the board. Enough to do to finish Gasparri in the viewfinder. “Gasparri said to be out of the political game, but it has not been a chairman, impartial, and has behaved in a way more political than others,” attacks the senator grillina Elvira Evangelista.

“we Had submitted – he explains – an instance investigation is very important, but of equal votes has been rejected. Gasparri, among other things, he was also involved with Fat not putting anything to the vote during his absence. But he’s done summoning for the future, the office of the presidency. We have no fear of voting for the 20, but stigmatizziamo the behavior is not part of the president. In addition, in case of equality of votes the president usually abstains, but here it is not so. A behavior so strange makes me doubt that the exploitation of the intention to vote on 20 is from the opposition”.

“I incorrect? I was very correct. – replication Gasparri – I stick to the calendar approved unanimously in December, taking into account arrivals and departures not mine, but other colleagues”. “It is very unfortunate that they have been abandoned jobs from the majority, So it is not a serious attitude. Here we need to clarify if it is a process serious or political in the comparisons of Salvini,” said the senator league Erika Stefani.

The person directly, Matteo Salvini, replica da Varano, the province of Parma. Committed to the end shall attempt to elect Lucia Borgonzoni president of the region of Emilia Romagna, the leading league comments: “If you deployed a process to have controlled the borders of my country, I’m going to head high, but they need to prepare the Court nice and big, because with me there will be many italians”. An appeal to supporters to support him that is ready a part of the square: “we will Come with you, we are ready”, shouted the activists.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved reader COMMENTS Today on Decrees Salvini, will change little and only after the vote in Emilia-safety the Pd is afraid to disappoint the squares. Sardines are the lack of discontinuity Reisch: “Fined 300 thousand euro for having saved 104 people in the sea” For the cutting of the mps is already a plebiscite, But lowering the retirement age is an attack on the pact between generations

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