Convents, abbeys, and even the sacristy. Since the time of the Dc policy has always gone in the “conclave”. To meet after the internal strains or draw up a balance sheet on what was done and to start again. By the dorotei, to Romano Prodi, via Massimo D’alema, and Enrico Letta. Many leaders, especially on the left, who chose the formula of the seminar behind closed doors, although in recent years these meetings have not always had the hoped-for goals. The last in order of time, to summon all in retreat, is the secretary of the democratic Party of Nicola Zingaretti .

Will be held today and tomorrow in the cistercian abbey of Contigliano, between Rieti and Greccio, the conclave of the Pd. The parliamentary groups, meps, administrators, and ministers dem will gather in a seminar in order to make the point and raise the issues dear to the party in view of the verification of the government with the premier Giuseppe Conte , slipped to after the regional elections in Emilia Romagna and Calabria.

The Pd will try to define some of the punchy proposals to bring to the testing without neglecting the proposals of the re-founding of the party launched by Zingaretti Saturday on Republic.