ROME – IT was quickly retrieved the diplomatic gaffe that had brought only three days ago, the new libyan prime minister Fayez Serraj to cancel a visit to Rome. The head of the government of Tripoli reacted to the salamelecchi excessive with which the Italian government had welcomed his rival, Khalifa Haftar.

Serraj will then arrive in Italy today to meet the premier Giuseppe Conte. The order of the day, first of all there are two themes, the cease-fire proposed by Turkey and Russia, which should take you to the midnight of Sunday. And then the “Berlin Conference”, which is the political process that should lead to a political event organized by the Un and by Germany to resume the confrontation interrupted by the military offensive launched by Haftar, 4 April 2019.

The work and the directions of the ambassador in Tripoli, Giuseppe Buccino, and the director of the Aise Luciano Paper, have allowed Italy to mend the mini-crisis with Tripoli. A decisive role on the part of libya to have had the minister of Foreign affairs, Mohammed Siala, and the vice-president of the libyan Ahmed Maitig, a political leader very close by, always to Italy. Rome in the last few weeks, inexplicably, had begun to neglect Maitig, as if in Libya there were many other political leaders on which to rely. To Maitig the Ministry of Foreign affairs had even denied an invitation (repeatedly requested) to the “Med Conference” that the foreign ministry has organized in Rome at the beginning of December, and whose central topic was to become the crisis of Libya.
The location of Serraj going Back to visit Serraj in Rome: a source in libya says that “now you have to understand what content the Italy will fill his political action. He is the reason why the minister Of Maio when he says you no longer need a photo opportunity, the meetings organized for printing. You have to go to the facts: but for the moment, it seems that we have been organized many photo opportunity, one after the other, while we do not understand what is really the strategy of the Italy. All of these meetings and those of the future of the Count and Of Maio what will you need it?”.

The criticism of the government of Tripoli to Italy were clearly a basic reason: the Count has never supported Serraj, as he himself would have wanted, that is, by supplying arms to the legitimate government recognized by the Un – to defend themselves. “But at this point, with the weapons offered by the turks, we are able to defend ourselves better,” continues the source of Tripoli, “while from Italy we would like greater clarity of policy to halt the advance of military Haftar and continue to talk about politics.”
the situation on The field Sunday in the meantime, in the whole of Libya should take the truce sought by Putin and Erdogan. Up to now, in Libya, the fighting continues on all fronts: to the East from Sirte towards Misrata, which has been forced to impose a curfew from midnight to 8 in the morning because of the security conditions in the city worsened. Around Tripoli, instead, the militias who defend the government Serraj are always under pressure yesterday, they would have been killed a few mercenaries, syrians transferred by the turks to fight in defence of Serraj. While on the other hand seem to be missing the mercenaries of the russians of Wagner’s, replaced at the time by the less skilled soldiers ciadiani and the sudanese that the “Lna” to Haftar has also moved to the first line.

the Last notation: the Turkish president recep tayyip Erdogan does not lose time and has already presented the account of her commitment to the Tripoli. Ankara asks you to pay a first account of 2.7 billion dollars as compensation of wars from 2011 to today. A final agreement between Ankara and Tripoli will be signed in February: the agreement provides that will be paid from the Libya 2.7 billion dollars of compensation for claims accrued prior to 2011, when it was toppled the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. There will be a letter of credit from a billion dollars, linked to the military intervention in Turkish; then 1.2 billion of unpaid debts and $ 500 million for damage to machinery and equipment sustained by the 2011. Ankara also has contracts suspended by the war, for a total of $ 16 billion. A further confirmation that Libya, in addition to be the object of geopolitical interest for all States of the Mediterranean, is also a “safe” with which everybody would like to do business.

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