Died at 79 years of age Qaboos bin Said al Said , the sultan of Oman. This was announced by the royal palace, oman.

The sultan dellOman, the state of the oil-rich arabian peninsula, class of 1940, was the sovereign the longest-lived of the arab world. Ascended to the throne in 1970 with a coup (without bloodshed) that has ousted the father, Said bin Taimur , with the decisive help of London. He centralized the power in his hands, unified the sultanate, and ruled wisely. Qaboos is considered to be one of the pillars of Middle East policy over the last 40 years: has maintained a neutral role in the disputes geopolitical but to be decisive in the mediation of conflict situations

a Great lover of flowers and horses, has given space to women, built the university Sultan Qaboos, specializing in the faculty of science and built the great mosque of modern Muscat, one of the few open to tourists, with a carpet only, 60 to 70 meters, hand-worked by 600 iranian women and a chandelier of Swarovski crystals along 14 metres.

one of the curiosities in the life of the sultan, which vaguely resembles allattore Omar Sharif include the purchase of a Ferrari station vagon ordered “made to measure” and was made specially for him in 1996 by the scuderia of Maranello. The Ferrari mechanics have delivered in his palace dellOman after the payment of an exorbitant sum because he had the “optional” body armor missile, the bullet-proof glass and the dashboard encrusted with diamonds.

Another eccentricity when, to celebrate the 25 years of the sultanate, has rented for the two concerts, he returned to his Bbc Philharmonic of Manchester, and did go to take the 101 musicians, and directors Pascal Tortelier, Sir Edward Downes, by his personal plane for him to play two evenings of Beethoven, Rossini and Ciaikovski.
How will be chosen the successor to Qaboos, The sultan had no children. He has written the name of his successor on a sheet of paper enclosed in an envelope which shall be opened 72 hours after his death, if the members of the ruling family should fail to agree on the name of the new sultan.

In the case of smoked black to the court, to open the envelope with the will of Qaboos will be the defence council of the nation, the head of the supreme court and the heads of the two chambers of the advisory council, as provided for by a statute of 1996. The chosen will then be informed and placed on the throne of 0man.

Among the possible successors of Qaboos, Assad bin Tariq al-Said , a cousin of the sultan and deputy prime minister in charge of international Cooperation, Haitham bin Tariq al-Said , half-brother of Assad and the minister of Culture and Shihab bin Tariq , the former head of the Navy.
his visits in Italy, between folklore and charity In 2012, he donated five million euros to bari. The two had been allocated to the department of cardiac surgery, children’s hospital Giovanni XXIII, who within a year had purchased a angiografo digital and other machinery essential for the little patients. The other three, intended for scholarships, they did discuss.

It speaks of a personal wealth estimated at half a billion dollars, had the reputation as a munificent benefactor of which he gave proof in his holidays in Italy, in Bari – where he distributed gold rolex and tips to many zeros in Naples and Palermo.
reforms after protests In 2011, had decided to surrender legislative powers to an advisory council, after that also in Oman had conducted several events to demand political reforms, with a growing social unrest in the background. With a decree published by the official news agency Ona, the sultan had ordered to provide “the legislative powers and control” of the action of the government to the “Council of Oman, consisting of an Advisory Council (Shura), elected, 83 members and a Council of State, a kind of Senate of 57 members appointed by the sultan.

The two rooms have a purely advisory role with the government, which is to put into practice the general policy defined by the sultan.

In the same decree, Qabus had asked the commission to submit within 30 days an amendment to the Constitution that would confer legislative powers to the consultative Assembly. The sultan had also ordered that strong increases in pensions, between 50 and 100%, according to the Ona, and has doubled the stipend for employees in the public sector.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on Parma, Ohio d’emilia, anticipating who wins the split between the League and sardines Reforms, it is chaos on the signatures of the parliamentarians for the referendum on the cut of the seats in Government, here’s the “heads”and guided by the Carfagna. Clash with Salvini on the remains of the Forza Italia the Other two byes in the M5. Revolt against Rousseau. “It is a foreign body Government, the M5S is open to changes on the prescription. Early in the Cdm reform process

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