A wolf was poisoned and then hanged on a road sign at the gates of Marcellinara, province of Catanzaro. The photo was shared on Facebook by the owner of a bar. The story, which took place a few days after the delivery of the dogs, a shepherd of abruzzo to the defense of the flocks of some companies of the place, was the trigger for the complaint of the Covenant, Popular, Ecologist (Epa).

“The beast human that has committed this heinous crime,” declared the spokesman Rinaldo Sidoli – believe to intimidate with this message the macabre. You are wrong, I will respond to animalicidio. We recall that Canis lupus is a species strictly protected, as listed in annex IV of the Habitats directive (92/43/EEC), article 12 prohibits any form of capture or killing. We therefore call on the minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa to request a report urgent what happened to the forces of order and proceed with the constitution of a civil party to criminal offences committed to the detriment of wildlife, indispensable good of the State. We are tired of having to condemn such acts. Wolves are the symbol of the Beautiful Country. Are much more than a species to be conserved, representing the territory and are part of the heritage of biodiversity in Italy. The Regions should ratify and implement the new ‘Plan of the conservation and management of the wolf in Italy, favouring a sustainable resolution of conflicts with the activities of man on the territory. We request that they are allocated the necessary resources to the implementation of the solutions of prevention as a strategy of coexistence of the long-term with a predator that assures the functionality of the ecosystem”.

To emphasize the horrible act of barbarism is also responsible for protected Areas and biodiversity of Legambiente, Antonio Nicoletti : “this Is a gesture horrible, which is in contrast spectacularly with the efforts made in recent days to allow recovery and care in the nature of a wolf in the national Park of the Sila. All this will not stop the efforts that we are putting in the field with the project Wolfnet, on the contrary, he will move us to insist with greater commitment to promoting a cultural change is necessary for the protection of fauna in the area of the apennines”.

Every year in our Country, are found between 200 and 300 specimens of this species (10-20% of the total population) were killed for different causes (poaching, poisoning, accidents) among which there are also sensational and violent as that of this morning in Marcellinara. An act as big as the coward who, however, did not leave indifferent those citizens who stopped to provide aid to the wolf: a positive event that indicates the evolution of a new consciousness, a cultural change expected, but nothing obvious. “We will continue to work with farmers and industry associations to solve the problems that the coexistence with the wolf creates businesses – insists Nicoletti – along the road of sharing and finding effective solutions to reduce the damage caused by wolves to enterprises in the livestock industry, as we have already done by giving an initial contingent of guardian dogs to ten companies which operate in the Sila.

But with the same determination we ask the authorities to prosecute those responsible for this act cowardly, using methods of investigative, innovative solutions in other similar cases have allowed us to identify the guilty. For this, we have already notified the authorities of our willingness to collaborate in activating the knowledge and experience of the last 10 years from the Network, Wolfnet, which work for the protection of the wolf in Italy”.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on Parma, Ohio d’emilia, anticipating who wins the split between the League and sardines Reforms, it is chaos on the signatures of the parliamentarians for the referendum on the cut of the seats in Government, here’s the “heads”and guided by the Carfagna. Clash with Salvini on the remains of the Forza Italia the Other two byes in the M5. Revolt against Rousseau. “It is a foreign body Government, the M5S is open to changes on the prescription. Early in the Cdm reform process

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