the ROME – The countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are already hosting approximately 3.9 million migrants and refugees in venezuela, in what has become one of the migration flows, the largest in the world. The number of families that leave Venezuela continues to increase. This year, it is expected that more than 1.9 million children, including migrants, the venezuelans, those of the host communities, in need of assistance.

The responsibility of the exodus. A new face of humanitarian emergency, therefore, in which are involved several local and international Ngos in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil in the work of welcoming hundreds of thousands of people who try a difficult integration in these Countries, or just passing through. On the dynamics at the origin of this gigantic phenomenon of migration, which has its source in Venezuela, we develop several analyses that touch on certainly the liability policies (especially related to the issue of respect for de right to dissent) for the group executive to the government of Caracas, but investing, especially the policy of the White House. A policy inspired by – say many analysts and experts of international Cooperation – the logic of the “Monroe doctrine”, established in 1823 that – regardless of who the US president is democratic or republican – says the concept of the hegemony of the United States throughout the american continent, with frequent attempts (successful in Ecuador, Panama and El Salvador) of the “dollarisation” of the currency systems.

the causes of The invelenimento social . To this logic are linked to all the attempts made by the administration Trump to “strangle the economy” in venezuela, through what is called a real “persecution” finance, a economic block that has frozen the bank accounts of Venezuela in the world, to prevent the purchase of essential goods to global markets, such as medicine and geniri food, for a total, it is said, of over $ 15 billion. The attempts that have ended up invelenire the social climate already poisoned by an opposition explicitly reactionary, but also from the progressive movements that demand greater guarantees of democracy. All this, therefore, induced millions of people to leave the Country, with immense wealth, in addition to oil and gold.

the”ambassador”Liam Neeson. The UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson has joined the request of the UNICEF addressed to the international community to increase its support of the children of migrants and refugees of Venezuela, which are in need of assistance in Latin America and the Caribbean. Neeson has re-launched the appeal after concluding a four-day mission in the brazilian region bordering with Venezuela to meet with families and children of venezuela, vulnerable and host communities.

The testimony of the plaintiff. “I spoke with venezuelan families who have crossed the border, many of them with children,” said Neeson. “I’m exhausted, vulnerable, and still under the shock of having left everything. Father, my heart is broken when I listened to their stories. But I also saw hope in the eyes of refugee children who have taken advantage of every opportunity to learn in a safe environment, grow healthy, and, hopefully, rebuild their lives in Brazil”.

Urgent to the integration of children in schools. “One of the key measures to prevent the migration crisis in venezuela increases further is to invest in children and young venezuelans, to release their potential”, said Bernt Aasen, regional director of UNICEF for Latin America and the Caribbean. “In addition to the support of life-saving, to ensure that the migrant children are integrated in school systems, health and security of the host countries at the time is crucial. If given this opportunity, one day these children will be those who will build a region more stable and prosperous for all”. In December 2019, was collected only 41% of the 69.5 million of dollars needed last year. This year the appeal of UNICEF is of $ 64 million to respond to the needs of about 633.000 children involved in the migration from Venezuela, including the children that go away from Venezuela and the host communities in 6 countries in Latin America, such as Brazil.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on Parma, Ohio d’emilia, anticipating who wins the split between the League and sardines Reforms, it is chaos on the signatures of the parliamentarians for the referendum on the cut of the seats in Government, here’s the “heads”and guided by the Carfagna. Clash with Salvini on the remains of the Forza Italia the Other two byes in the M5. Revolt against Rousseau. “It is a foreign body Government, the M5S is open to changes on the prescription. Early in the Cdm reform process

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