the ROSARNO – ten years Have passed since Rosarno, a small town in the Plain of Gioia Tauro, until then known only for the citrus orchards and the widespread presence of the ndrangheta, has become known for the so-called “Revolt of Rosarno” (Read also the report from the tent-camps of the migrants to the 13 December 2008). Only then will the public opinion discovered that every year, during the months of peak harvesting citrus, more than 2000 migrants reach the fields of the Plain to work as labourers in conditions of grave exploitation, forced to live in abandoned buildings, farmhouses, crumbling, or slums, improvised in dramatic conditions, and humiliating.

Still life bewildering. That year were approximately 1500 foreign workers, most of them young men from the Countries of sub-saharan Africa western and regular residents, present in the Plain. Today, ten years later, the number remains almost unchanged after having reached peaks of over 3,000 people in past years – and equally disconcerting, remain the conditions of life and work. And on the other hand, yesterday as today, the local institutions – often commissariate for mafia infiltration – and the national ones appear to be incapable of any planning policy is effective, courageous and far-sighted, limiting themselves instead to repropose the vicious cycle of evacuation-tent-city-slums, which by ten years, leaves unchanged the wounds of the exploitation, the degradation of living and the abandonment of the territories.

Overcrowding and degradation. If, in fact, in 2010, the workers employed in the collection found refuge in a former factory into disuse – one of many built with funding under law 488 of ‘92 and then abandoned, and another abandoned in the industrial area of San Ferdinando, as well as the numerous houses demolished and scattered in the countryside of the neighbouring Municipalities, in the absence of any basic service, today, overcrowding, the absence of services and the extreme precariousness of the sanitary conditions remain unchanged for more than a thousand people that live in the houses abandoned. Little has changed for the more than 400 people flock to yet another tent camp, a ministerial – sort after the eviction of the shanty town inhabited by about 2500 migrants took place in march 2019 – and who live in conditions of overcrowding and degradation. The lack of housing solutions appropriate makes the workers more and more invisible, because forced to disperse in homes of fortune in the countryside, and increasingly vulnerable to exploitation and to the caporalato.

The mobile clinic MEDU. 2014-MEDU (Doctors for Human Rights) work in the Flat with a mobile clinic, to ensure the protection of health and fundamental rights and access to health care and health services by part of the population of the settlements on precarious land. From December 2019, the mobile clinic is active again in the Plain of Gioia Tauro and provides health care and socio-legal to the population of the settlements in precarious employment, in particular, at the tent camp on the official located in the industrial area of San Ferdinando, the field container of contrada the Head of the Water and the abandoned houses in the countryside of Drosi and Rizziconi. In 2014 the work black and the caporalato were phenomena pervasive, representing in fact the normal mode of work organisation: l 83% of the workers are being visited by Medu, in almost all cases, regular residents, did not have a contract, and only 5% of workers are not turned to a corporal.

Only 1/3 receive the paycheck. The daily wage was between 20 and 25 euros for 8-9 hours of work. In subsequent years, the increase in controls by the labour Inspectorate resulted in an increase in the contracts, but in the season of citrus 2019 the data collected by the team of the mobile clinic reveal that in the majority of cases the “work the gray”, is characterized by serious irregularities in wage and contribution, and violations of the rules on working conditions, has taken the place of black labor. Even in the presence of a contract of employment – 60% of the 438 workers visited was in possession of a contract of short duration – there remains, in fact, a condition of exploitation is widespread and on a large scale, with a salary that remains around 25-30 euros a day and in the absence of safeguards and rights. The same figure is found among patients visited by Medu in the month of December, 2019: on 74 patients, of which 83% regular residents, only 35% had a contract of employment, but only a third of these said to receive a paycheck. Very often, a part of the salary is paid in black by the employer, which states the payroll less days than those actually performed by the laborer.

The most frequent pathologies. As in 2014, the pathologies encountered in the young population of the settlements in insecure – mainly inflammation of the respiratory tract, osteoarticular diseases and diseases of the digestive system – are attributable in most cases to the bad conditions of life and work. The access to health care, on the other hand was then, and still is, hampered by several factors, among which the isolation of the places of life in the absence of public transport, lack of information, the right to health and the means of access to the services, the serious structural deficiencies of the services of public health local, the impossibility to carry out the registration in the National Health Service in the absence of a residency recognized.

it is, in fact, another humanitarian emergency. That of the labourers and of the ghettos it seems still a humanitarian emergency, in spite of a recurrence of shame each year. In the presence of a productive chain is unfair and of appropriate policies for the sector, the fund’s citrus continues to take each year as farm labourers at low cost and without rights in order to survive. The migrants represent the labour ideal, even more so in the last few years, because of the recent policies that have led to a growing precariousness of the legal, social, and employment of migrants and holders of international protection and humanitarian, who constitute almost the entire population of the ghettos.

The heinous episodes of violence and aggression. A land is unjust, has been defined by the Medu that of the Plain of Gioia Tauro, but also a scorched earth, where too many people have died in preventable fires in the huts or in the hideous episodes of criminal violence. Four people have been death, charred in little more than a year, between 2018 and 2019: Moussa Ba in the slums, Sylla Naumè, in the tent ministry, and then Becky Moses and Suruwa Jaiteh. In addition, Soumalia Sacko, killed by gunfire of a civilian while he was trying of the sheets to build a shack and Sekine Traore, who was killed by a policeman during a police action at the tent city.

The recent detentions. And’ yesterday’s news of several arrests, the result of an investigation by the public prosecutor of Palmi was born from the complaint of a farmhand exploited, which led to the arrest of a network of officers responsible for, in agreement with the farms of the Plain of illegal intermediation and labour exploitation. Ten years on from the revolt of Rosarno ” and after the numerous protocols to the institutional remained a dead letter, appears particularly urgent, necessary and non-postponable a sentence to be given to the scourge of the exploitation of work and a real commitment and coordinated by the policy and all the institutions competent in the direction of its overcoming and the affirmation of fundamental rights – in particular rights to the work, of legality, of social solidarity and of the development of the territory.

requests MEDU

– the introduction of effective mechanisms of meeting the legal between the demand for and the supply of labour and the strengthening of existing ones;

– the adoption of a gradual and structured inclusion social-housing conditions of agricultural workers in the Municipalities in the way of depopulation of the Plain, also through the practices of intermediation in the housing already proved effective in the territory of the Plain, and in other territories;

– the recognition of residence in informal settlements, an essential condition to allow the access to fundamental rights; raising public awareness and support businesses that respect workers ‘ rights:

– enabling policies that favour the regularity of the stay of migrants (such as the restoration of residence permits for humanitarian reasons, the possibility of conversion to a work permit for all types of protection, the regularization of the submerged, etc.), an essential prerequisite to gain access to a work with rights and dignity.

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