Fire in the skies, kangaroos charred, firefighters, however, and the thousands of homes destroyed. These images should be enough to tell us what is going on really in Australia devoured by the fire. But on the social there is more than that, and often leads out of the way. Photo deliberately retouched, maps distorted, others were created in good faith to raise awareness on the problem, but then shared in the wrong way. A collection of information which sometimes have the power to become viral, but then-to be the result of a distortion of the tragedy is still too difficult to quantify.

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* Didn’t release this would go viral ?? PLEASE READ BELOW. * Regarding False Information. This has occurred NOT because of this post, or my information being inaccurate. It has been Zucc’d because other people have shared this image with the caption “This is a NASA photograph”. This image has been flagged as a result. This is a 3D visualisation of the fires in Australia. NOT A PHOTO. Think of this as prettier looking graph. This is made from data from NASA’s FIRMS (Satellite data regarding fires) between 05/12/19 – 05/01/20. These are all the areas which have been affected by bushfires.;c:137.4,-27.9;t:adv-points;d:2019-12-05..2020-01-05;l:dark_gray,firms_viirs,firms_modis_a,firms_modis_t Scale is a little exaggerated due to the render”s glow, but generally true to the info from the NASA website. Also note that NOT all the areas are still burning, and this is the compilation. This image is copyrighted by Anthony Hearsey. Please contact for usage. DONATE HERE – _ #bushfires #render #visualisation #data #3d #australia #climatechange #disaster #fire #infographic #cinema4d #graphic #nasa

A post shared by Anthony Hearsey (@anthony_hearsey) in date:

The map of the fires One of the images of Australia in flames view from the top of the most shared of the past few days is processed and published on the nda Anthony Hearsey , published on Instagram. Many have shared as a satellite image Nasa. Nothing could be more false, as has also reiterated the same author, since it is a three-dimensional reconstruction (and using therefore the graphics and no one shot from the satellite) of the fires the australian since December 5, 2019 to January 5, 2020. Therefore, not a portrait of the continent in flames, but a superimposition of different moments, which, however, does not make it any the less serious the situation is. The fires in real time you can see through the government data collected from the project Landgate “My Fire Watch”: to burn in the last hours is mainly the territory of New South Wales, to the east of the Country, and not the whole of Australia.

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Its been a sombre few days, as fires are ripping through neighbouring areas. I know todays art is dedicated to the brave FIREFIGHTERS who are trying to save Mother Earth and all her children. Countless trees, hundreds of koalas, homes and a couple of good humans lost to this disaster and it’s a reminder to all that the gift of Christmas cannot be wrapped and put under the tree. #prayingforrainandamiracle #banksiiantics #photoshop Update **: This post has now gone viral please make sure that you mention it is a photoshop edit (this is what my account is known for) Thankyou Update: I can see that the wonderful IG is spreading awareness with this image, please if you can help with donations to either (or many others) Australian Red Cross Disaster Recovery and Relief Salvation Army Disaster Appeal St Vincent de Paul Society Bushfire Appeal (NSW community. NSW RFS Donations Page to Make an online donation to the NSW RFS Trust Fund or to the participating brigade

A post shared from Thu + Banksii + Denali (@thuie) in date:

the little girl and the koala While, unfortunately, are true images of the skies red, fire-weary and tired after hours of incessant work, and mainly, hundreds of burned animals. It is, instead, a photo became a symbol of the fires that have attacked the good part of Australia. It is that of a little girl, mask, face, koala in his arms, and the feet immersed in the water while it seems to escape, leaving the flames behind. Almost a “cover” of the tragedy. Thousands of shares, most of which are due to the fact that the photo had been taken seriously. The same author, the artist Thuie, that he had accomplished the work through digital editing, it found itself having to clarify that it was a work of art created to raise public awareness about the disaster and pay tribute to the work of the fire brigade.

The embrace of kangaroo photos to be manipulated or modified are reflected in the images, unfortunately, true, and devastating, of kangaroos or burned, or that lie on the ground as soldiers fleeing from the war. So strong, that at times are difficult to accept. Perhaps for this on social, are circulated even more images of Australia, “lost”, that little or nothing have to do with fires these days. For example, two kangaroos, dating back to at least a dozen years ago, we embrace, and seem to console one another. Or that, even this three years ago, where a woman hugging a kangaroo. It comes from the Kangaroo Sanctuary Alice Springs, the centre that welcomes and takes care of the kangaroos before releasing them in nature and sounds like a wish to drive away the nightmare of fires and find the hope of salvation for the species, along with koalas, greater represents the natural heritage of the southern hemisphere. True but not recently, the photo depicting a koala on the bed with the legs immersed in water because it burned, also it is among the most shared during the emergency that has devastated Australia.
so Far the australian government, talking about the tragedy, has confirmed at least 25 deaths among the population (three firefighters), 2000 homes destroyed and about 8.3 million hectares already burned. A hit on the social seems to be the terrible figure for the dead animals: “Almost half a billion”, it reads a bit everywhere. Also the estimate can be misleading. In various posts, often, it is emphasized the huge number of animals of different species killed by the fires, but almost never stresses the fact that in reality it is an estimate based on calculations of a few years ago. And’ the hypothesis developed by Chris Dickman , professor of the University of Sydney and based on a 2007 study for the New South Wales on average between mammals (17,5), birds (20,7) and reptiles (129,5) living (per hectare). The conclusion is the result of an intersection of these data with the estimate of 3 million hectares destroyed, so as to arrive at the compuo of half a billion of animals affected about. Affected, however, stresses the same professor, does not necessarily mean killed. In a new data to the upside, always based on calculations of the Dickman, Wwf Australia has revised the estimate of “one billion animals died because of the flames, 500 thousand in the region of New South Wales”. All digits that make me cry the heart, but that, according to a good part of the scientific community, they will need to be verified and reviewed in time to determine the truth of it.
Of concrete, unfortunately, there is, instead, the order to kill 10 thousand of camels are drying up water reserves, and there are images, and these are also spread via the social drama of Kangaroo Island, an island rich in biodiversity, especially in its western area, where the flames have killed thousands of koalas that this step could really come close to extinction.

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